What is this little German Vet Statue?


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This is a service commemoration for 11th Komp, Jager Regt. 8? (or Infantry Regt.) Is it worth anything beyond my use of it as an unwoke paperweight on my desk? It' seems like it's made of heavy molded plaster or something. It's got a swastika on the helmet so I reckon wartime? Thanks!


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these are neat little trinkets to sprinkle around the collection IMHO.. I bought one similar but with a faux bronze white metal casting at the last allentown show for 150.00 . I see these priced high on gun bonker but not selling. Id say 150-200 is a range of value.
It’s not big, like 8” tall. Like M99 said, I think faux bronze, coated metal or zinc.
A standard WW1 company is like +/- 150 men, I presume not all veterans of this company bought one of these, so there should be less then a hunderd of these made and now we find two.
Although it is fake bronze, the bronze figure for the working class, the figure is nicely sculptured and the casting looks to be of good quality but the plaque doesn't, look at the details of the letters, at the top line it seems they almost ran out of space, the space between the letters also seems to be off, to sum it up it is of extremely low quality.
An odd mix.
Also I can't find anything of the "Oberjagerkorps", I think the mountain corps was known as the Alpenkorps.

Can this be an upgrade WW1 veterans little fake bronze statue?
It sells better with a story.
Also I can't find anything of the "Oberjagerkorps"
Oberjäger is a NCO in a Jäger or Gebirgsjäger unit.
The Oberjäger-korps are all NCOs from that unit. From Unteroffizier to Stabsfeldwebel.

We had a Jäger-Regiment 8 in WWI from 1916 on, but we did not have any Jäger-Regiment in the interwar period (Reichswehr). Maybe we had a Jäger-Kompanie in the Infanterie-Regiment 8. ?? I'll try to find out.
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i have seen these in Faux bronze, porcelain, and faux bronze over plaster. Typically the stone work is better and the plaque more finely engraved. Not sure how heavily faked these are ??
i have seen these in Faux bronze, porcelain, and faux bronze over plaster. Typically the stone work is better and the plaque more finely engraved. Not sure how heavily faked these are ??
Everything is faked, containers full of fake antiques and collectables arrive each day of the week.
Production cost of such a piece in China, most likely less then $10, fill up a container with all kinds of reproductions and sell them online and on shows for $150, count your profit.