Unit markings

for me too much serials that would be all german mainly on scabbard area, more real would be reuse by Turks or some others? the N must be not a Navy could be Nachrichten unit, which was not fully stamped, the piece have sloted screws and are reblued, so its possible it was still used in Weimar/NS period. Question would be complete lenght or shortened? Unfortunally we dont see details of the marking, there is large 61 over smaller 86? on crosspiece. 0266 on mouth should be on other parts of scabbard when refurbished.
S98/05naSabg, removed sawback, the blade was sharpened wrongly over blued metall, evidently blued in NS period, so certainly not went to Turkey prior 1945, question remains the unit as is overstamped twice.
I'm not sure of the unit markings but many of these pieces reworked during the Weimar and IIIR period were for the police.
turk rework of prewar period fall out, in case could be reuse of various units in and post WW2, the serialing on crossguard is not typical for police. Unfortunally damaged by someone when sharpening over blue.
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