Trio of Milled Receiver G43's


Senior Member
Here is a nice comparison of milled receivers found on different G43's.

Top to Bottom:

1. G43 VOPO AC44 5381j with French contracted milled receiver (camp built rifle?).
2. G43 AC45 8153a contracted milled receiver.
3. G43 bcd 9662b contracted milled receiver (camp built rifle).


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Nice line up! They clean up nice with extra machining. I wonder if the specs called for that machining originally and they worked from those drawings, or an order went out for the deletion of cosmetic machining and was missed or ignored? Previous an effort by the French to waste time and resources?
G.43 ac45 #8153a is a first report in my listings. It's a neat listing because it falls in the middle of "rough forged receiver" K.43's. Last milled one reported before yours is G.43 ac45 #5437a, then yours. The next milled receiver starts at G.43 ac45 #9981a.

Just thought it was neat.
AC 44 and AC45 have the same numbers in their serial number.... just in different order... very cool.
Aren't all of these receivers made by the same French contractor? It appears that the font of the "G43" is the same.

Good question. I know that the one distinct Waa marking makes it a French Contracted receiver.

bcd rifles were all made from contracted parts so we know someone else originally produced the receiver.

I could only assume that all three receivers came from the same source, but hopefully someone more knowledgeable with step in.

Thank you

Several machined do not get the french markings, I wondered if these were Walther made? Especially early Walther or late salvaged machined types do not all show it. It makes sense that Walther would have made the first of their own design?

Very nice cache! I really really like the AC45 G.43. Great find.
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Here's my G43 AC45 and BCD. The receivers sure look the same.

I know it seems most do have the 134 but several do not. I was curious if they were Walther made? My AC45 G.43 is not 134 marked.


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