
From what I can see in the pics, it looks good to me to be a good shooter as long as the price doesn't go to high. The seller says the barrel might be shortened, but it is hard to tell in the pics.
From what I can see in the pics, it looks good to me to be a good shooter as long as the price doesn't go to high. The seller says the barrel might be shortened, but it is hard to tell in the pics.

Yea I saw that ( description) in really new to it all but I couldn't really see anything off about the barrel either...looks normal to me lol looks good to me to be a good shooter as long as the price doesn't go to high.

Given what any German WW2 rifle goes for if the price stays within reason it should be fine for a shooter. Looks the part from 10 feet. Obviously it's a total mismatch as the seller states. Not sure what's going on with the receiver s/n?? I've seen that a few times and still can't figure out what they're trying to accomplish??
If you decide you're really interested I would ask for the 'more photos' he talked about in the description. IMHO you can't tell jack about a rifle with 4 shitty photos. If it is made up of all German WW2 parts that's great. People have put these together with literally any Mauser part that fits (or they can make fit).... Dragom. That's not so good. Especially for any type of value down the road.

As for reasonable that's so subjective but given that RC rifle are generally 500-700 depending on your location, laws and availability you can use that as a sort of benchmark. Also you know your own pocketbook better than I do. What you are comfortable spending is something you can decide.

Lastly I mostly discard super lowball outliers just as I do sky high 'fake' auctions. Just because someone bought an all matching bringback from Great Grandma for $175 doesn't make that even remotely applicable to the rest of us. When a dou44 receives a bid of $4200, that doesn't make them worth $4200 despite what a few sellers want you to believe.
Currently Philippines.

And yes I see what your saying about subjectivity... I was more curious as to what something like this SHOILD be going for.
..was more curious as to what something like this SHOILD be going for.

In an ideal world I'd say between the current price and maybe 450... tops. I'd add watch out for that 'ethan dirtbike' bidder. An NR pulling the train since the opening bell??? I smell a shill but who knows?
Indeed I did put a bid in... immediately out bid haha. And now my account is "under review" so it may have been 1st and only bid.

I do have a question though. When I put my bid in... it was immediately beat. How does it work? Say I put a bid of 500 dollars ( I doubt I would but maybe) will the price immediately jump to current bid of 500 or will it just increase in the next increment? As i said my bid was immediately beat... too fast for an actual person to have known they were outbid and place another bid.... unless they just happened to be on it at that moment
With 5 days left, unless bidding stalls my guess is it’ll go for more than it’s really worth.

Yeah I have to agree with that but you never know. Maybe it's the bonus 'two rifles in one'? :)

As to the other question, it's first bid in. If 'ethan dirtbike' bids 200 and sets a 500 max, every time you bid you'll be immediately outbid until 500. It looks like he's bid 11 times, but really he's just trumping your (or anyone's) next raise. That said he's already raised his max 2 times.
Yeah I have to agree with that but you never know. Maybe it's the bonus 'two rifles in one'? :)

As to the other question, it's first bid in. If 'ethan dirtbike' bids 200 and sets a 500 max, every time you bid you'll be immediately outbid until 500. It looks like he's bid 11 times, but really he's just trumping your (or anyone's) next raise. That said he's already raised his max 2 times.

I see.......