From what I can see in the pics, it looks good to me to be a good shooter as long as the price doesn't go to high. The seller says the barrel might be shortened, but it is hard to tell in the pics. looks good to me to be a good shooter as long as the price doesn't go to high.
..was more curious as to what something like this SHOILD be going for.
All the NR bidders are a very large red flag.
With 5 days left, unless bidding stalls my guess is it’ll go for more than it’s really worth.
Yeah I have to agree with that but you never know. Maybe it's the bonus 'two rifles in one'?
As to the other question, it's first bid in. If 'ethan dirtbike' bids 200 and sets a 500 max, every time you bid you'll be immediately outbid until 500. It looks like he's bid 11 times, but really he's just trumping your (or anyone's) next raise. That said he's already raised his max 2 times.