I'll be a bit of a contrarian, I think the mag on the right (non-plus) looks OK to me, the second mag I don't get a good feel on but it may be lighting\angle of the picture (spacing of the numbers looks different and there may be some grinding marks), in hand or better pictures would help, the second matching mag increases the value of the rig and is stronger motivation for someone to "find". In my experience, in the current market, this luger with a mismatched mag would be in the $2-2300 range, matching mag adds $5-600, second matching mag add a $1000 (if it's real), holster is in Ok but not minty condition, $300-350, tool (I can't see a proof on it?) if marked e/655 $75-100. So the rig at $5k is over the sum of its parts but maybe that's your starting point in negotiations if you get better pics of the mags to confirm? I would also ask for pictures of the inside of the grips to check if they are numbered\proofed. The rig isn't minty, it's very nice, but there are a lot of "very nice" lugers on the market at any given time, the matching mag(s) would drive the price for the most part in this case.