Excellent synopsis.There were a lot of interesting things in that thread, as I recall. I'm not motivated enough to read all 40 pages (again), but these things stood out:
Deleted posts
People trying to make excuses for JKash ("let's wait for him to explain")
There were some people who were stunned that the "original" named helmet was fake
A lack of curiousty regarding the chain of ownership
The fact that the fake helmet was owned by the Gettysburg museum, and then owned by JKash, who KNEW it was fake. How did he know that? Was he in the prior chain of ownership, or did he know who was?
Some people seemed to be against posting photos of all of the helmets that JKash sold, because some might be real, and it would taint them.
The willingness of a collecting community to believe that one dealer could conjure up like 20 original painted airborne helmets
That the post was locked very early on, only to be opened up again after outcry.
That tons of these turds are still floating around and I've not seen one turn up for sale as a fake.
I won't insult the forum at large for what happened, the incident was handled fairly well over all, but those things above always puzzled me about the whole thing.
I agree. After reading the 1917 Revolver thread on Calguns I wonder if Shelton's son popping into that thread was real or if someone took the idea from the Calguns thread. The Calguns thread it was clearly the Marines daughter.The way that it played out and some of the reactions were quite predictable; cliches even. The difference is that the thread did get re-opened and not completely sanitized. There is enough there for objective thinking people to come to their own conclusions. IMHO, the "Shelton M2" was a fake from the beginning, was discovered, then it was parted out and "recycled" into a "camo". There is a great deal of money and ego involved. At least some "legal action" was threatened for the reveal and discussion.
I agree. After reading the 1917 Revolver thread on Calguns I wonder if Shelton's son popping into that thread was real or if someone took the idea from the Calguns thread. The Calguns thread it was clearly the Marines daughter.
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And the scumbag known as JKash is still selling faked helmets on ebay for thousands of dollars. Why because the thread was locked so new members at USMF likely won't find it buried after almost a year. Calguns has a thread about the Expertish aka Jason Veraldi who scammed people on a Mosin Group Buy. That thread gets at least a monthly bump and any new info about him is posted. Search Jason Veraldi and the thread will come up. This way if anyone is going to have any dealings with the clown a simple google search will let the world know he is a con man. Also because likely no one pressed charges or filed civil suit against Jamie he has no fear of reprisals. The con man continues to run his con.
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That is how it should be. At least almost all the threads stay open here so it is possible.That is why every time that scumbag Pgaplayerless posts, I post a link to his fake sniper bullshit thread...other people do it too...its funny when it happens, and that asshole still defends himself over that pile of crap....