Hmmm. I have trouble looking at the rifle, but FWIW, that marking is for the other Liege rifle factory, the government owned arsenal, Manufacture d'Armes de l'Etat, or MAE. (The name we associate with Belgian arms is Fabrique Nationale d'Armes de Guerre, the famous "FN", a private company.)
MAE turned out thousands of the Model 1935, made from German Model 98 rifles given to Belgium as part of reparations following WWI. The bolt stop was modified to retain the clip, the same as the older Belgian Mauser, the Model 1889. MAE also updated thousands of the 1889 rifles to a more modern configuration in the 1930's. The caliber is (or should be) 7.65mm not 7.9.
It is an unusual rifle in this country, and (IMHO) would be a good piece for any extensive Mauser collection. The price seems high, but I don't know what they are bringing today.