Stopped by the Gunboards K98k Forum


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Haven't stopped there in five or six months. Didn't really recognize any of the current "regulars." Looks boring and dead, intellectual Armageddon for higher end collectors. It's a shame because I founded that forum and was its first moderator. I was banned right after Tuco passed away. The "Super Moderator" squirrels had it out for me from the beginning. :LOL: Are there any worthwhile forums left over there? I think they should roll the K98k forum up into the "Military Mauser" forum.
I havent logged into that shitshow in over 8-10 years. Used to be a decent place. Trader had some good stuff on it, the forums had knowledgeable collectors.

Then the mods went on a full blown soviet style purge and banned and infracted anyone that even quivered a lip.

Then this forum opened up & I never looked back. Lots of new faces on here, but everyone looks like theyre getting along and my bullshit radar hasnt gone off yet.
I was looking for a bolt with a certain SN for my Swedish Mauser, and like a lot of people, stated as much in my signature line over there. Not a word of protest until I went and asked a question in the Swedish rifle forum. Suddenly I was Adolf Eichmann.
Haven't stopped there in five or six months. Didn't really recognize any of the current "regulars." Looks boring and dead, intellectual Armageddon for higher end collectors. It's a shame because I founded that forum and was its first moderator. I was banned right after Tuco passed away. The "Super Moderator" squirrels had it out for me from the beginning. :LOL: Are there any worthwhile forums left over there? I think they should roll the K98k forum up into the "Military Mauser" forum.
We've never met but I remember you from 20+ years ago or so on the k98 forum. You've definitely created a legacy!
There was another guy, Pisgah, who was active way back when and was a pretty funny guy I remember, is he still around?
We've never met but I remember you from 20+ years ago or so on the k98 forum. You've definitely created a legacy!
There was another guy, Pisgah, who was active way back when and was a pretty funny guy I remember, is he still around?

Thanks. Pisgah is a moderator here. Mike and Bruce founded this place because the K98k forum at Gunboreds became untenable and well, crappy, due to other super moderator abuses. IMHO, it’s gotten far worse, but with the same crappy moderating, with the takeover by a Canadian clickbait company. The slight ray of hope was that the Kanuckistani clickbait company would get rid of at least 2/3s the free mod staff and start over.
If only hambone kissed the moderators a$$ on gunboards, then he'd have one of these.
View attachment 364580

Not in my DNA brother. Outside of the hobby I would avoid people like that. Again, that’s why this site came into being. Does anyone here believe that censoring, suspending, and banning is how we maintain a quality forum? It’s funny because some of the most valued members here have been banned from Gunboreds and WAF, etc. It’s amazing that such a rebellious lot of “hobby anarchists” could come together and be so civilized ;)
I was looking at an old thread from years ago a couple days ago, back when the k98k section was worth visiting. You were one of the first posts and I chuckled seeing "banned".

It's amazing how much knowledge gun boards has lost through banning people for simply not kissing the right behinds.

As you say, if it were truly as bad as they make it out, how exactly is this forum still going and not absolute chaos?
It’s amazing that such a rebellious lot of “hobby anarchists” could come together and be so civilized ;)
It's interesting how well things work here, but that term is a hoot too.

I was looking at an old thread from years ago a couple days ago, back when the k98k section was worth visiting. You were one of the first posts and I chuckled seeing "banned".
I laughed when I saw that too. I think he views it as a badge of honor. :ROFLMAO:
I was looking at an old thread from years ago a couple days ago, back when the k98k section was worth visiting. You were one of the first posts and I chuckled seeing "banned".

It's amazing how much knowledge gun boards has lost through banning people for simply not kissing the right behinds.

As you say, if it were truly as bad as they make it out, how exactly is this forum still going and not absolute chaos?

Tuco (RIP) was my friend and who protected me from the Gunboreds angry megalo-squirrel “supermoderators”. Some of their mods are good, some are sadsacks and abuse authority. I watched how they would get together in the private mod forum to single people they didn’t like out for abuse, censorship, and banning. It was troubling to me when this was done to people whose only “crime” was being correct or when attacked by these squirrel mods, they made said mods look like the overbearing hypocritical morons that they are. I simply cannot like or respect people who act like that, who use the rules that they flagrantly violate to abuse others. We see what kind of a society that creates. We see the kind of site that creates.

Had I known ahead of time what Vic and Tuco sold Gunboreds for to the Canadian clickbait / dataminers, I would have bought it, terminated at least half of the “moderators” there and replaced them with you guys. Some of the hood moderators there would have been bumped up. The place would have improved in quality and quantity by about 100% or more. These are all obviously just my opinions. My investment would have paid off.
I had a handgun for sale on Gun Boards. Guy said he would take it. He then asked how we were going to handle it. He had a CR and wanted me to mail it to him. I told him that I would only do FFL to FFL. So he dropped the sale. In my add I said it was back up for sale because he would not agree to FFL to FFL. I was told by the mods that I cannot explain why it was back up for sale so they changed my add so that he had never said he would take it.
I was looking at an old thread from years ago a couple days ago, back when the k98k section was worth visiting. You were one of the first posts and I chuckled seeing "banned".

It's amazing how much knowledge gun boards has lost through banning people for simply not kissing the right behinds.

As you say, if it were truly as bad as they make it out, how exactly is this forum still going and not absolute chaos?

This site and forums are working about as perfectly as a site and forum can. With all the guys here censored and banned from other places we have zero problems of any consequence. So that begs the question: is the problem those censored and banned or is the problem the moderators who censored and banned them? that’s a name.....haven’t been in a decade and frankly wouldn’t have known if it even existed still. No need thx to Bruce and mike. All the good peeps here anyway so what’s the point.
Meh, no one cares about that place anymore, all the smart guys who know anything are here. There is no finer forum on 98k's or otherwise than this board right here. Mike and Bruce did the world a favor by starting this forum, a collection of brilliant collectors who are passionate about what they love, and most of all, a group of friends, and some of the finest people in the world. I m proud to be here, and amoingst the greats in this hobby.