I attended the largest collector event (Crossroads & SAR) in the southwest this past weekend. The SAR in particular was packed and there were more C & R arms to see per foot than possibly even the SOS! Also more Class III and modern tac as well. I did not find much for myself in the first two days, but did pick up a fairly nice Ferlach-logo marked S84/98 T3. If you saw the example FS on Ebay a few weeks back from "WAK2", that is the one. Have known the seller for 20+ years and asked if he would bring the piece to the show if it did not sell. He did and also gave me a substantial discount from what it had been previously listed for. In fact, it looked even better in hand than online. Been searching a long time for this elusive variant so am happy to have it. Rg34s were relatively scant. One friend had a pile of 20 or so empty or partial behalter and used about 60% as partial trade on a holster he wanted. However, best of show was what could only be considered a like-new, high-gloss painted HAWIG kit. The paint was 99.9%. Nice brass latches. When I opened the lid and saw the gleaming steel oiler, RGK & HKW, I knew it was so! Seller stated he had paid strong for the kit ($325. or $350. I think). Perhaps it is the finest example existent for that maker and year and likely was never issued out but taken from storage. Otherwise, I picked up a butchered Polish Kbk. S. wz. 31 trainer and a very nice Kar98k 147 | 1939. Had been working on the latter for over a year. It finally came home with me when the owner's wife told my friend if I wanted the rifle he should sell it to me (most excellent advice)! Piece is matching except cleaning rod and bolt. Regarding the latter, the bolt is matching unto itself, in the same letter block and only 258 numbers higher than the rifle serial#. Spoke to a fellow K98k collector and we both agreed the rifle likely became mismatched after issuance on a unit-level... possibly during formation-cleaning of weapons where two soldats inadvertently swapped bolts while all the parts were laid out on a bench, etc. Such occurrences are known to have happened. Overall condition is exc-.