I'm starting this thread in order to stick it and add all of the interesting threads on the RG34. As new, useful threads appear I will add them to this list.

My complete or rare RG34 kits
I'm adict to "bayocaine" but also I suffer from "kitcaine", and I want to share you my complete kits or rare ones, but I don't pretend to make an exhaustive list or something like that, just share nothing else, as the kits were prone to get mixed and also there were many variations or...

Mundlos "ab" Rg34 Tool Incongruites
Stumbled across a few photos online of some Mundlos (ab) marked kits. What I noted was some incongruities in the cleaning tools (hulsenkopfwiseher). Typically "ab" kits have the "oar" type pattern tool. In looking at my three "ab" marked kits (ab41, ab42 & ab44) the HKWs are shown respectively...

Thoughts on arr4 kits and oiler types
I've been watching kits off and on for a while myself, and have come to notice some peculiarities myself about arr kits. It's very difficult to know exactly what parts belong in late kits but I've noticed a trend with the stamped oilers. These stamped sheetmetal oilers are mostly in the arr4...

Interesting Late Variant Hawig rg34 Chain
Continuing research has located several examples of a rather unusual late war cleaning kit chain (reinigungskette) found in Hawig kits. The typical cleaning chain found with cmr44 and '45 cans is a version constructed with pinch seamed, steel beads and a simplified stamped patch loop. There is...

Another late RGK variant !
Received this week. I brought a small batch of BW/WH cleaning supplies at a bargain price with this pleasant surprise... It is another variant of the oval wire RGK, this one with 2 standard links and the bent wire head. The link covers are made of steel. The overall length is 109cm and the oval...

Unusual rg34 Behalter Thread
Starting a thread to document strange or unusual rg34 cans (behalter). The late war kits assembled by G. Appel utilizing parts and components transferred from Hawig and Mundlos have been discussed in a number of postings here on the forum. Here is an example having the CNX stamping with Eagle...

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