Got this k98 (Russian capture) at j&g sales in Prescott, AZ. #6444 kriegsmodel stock but was spliced with another stock end with a bayonet lug long ago. Went shooting with it and splicing started to pull apart from the cosmo soaking through the old glue! Took it home, took it apart and cleaned the ever living crap out of this old gal with scrubbing bubbles. Sanded some, glued the splice back together with industrial glue, stained it, and sealed it with a few coats of poly and sanded it. Came out great! Got a repro sling, put a cleaning rod in after 71 years, and bought a bayonet off of eBay and cleaned that too. Beauty! Though a Russian capture, you can still see a few letters left from the original manufacture stamp. Can anyone take a guess what it was?