Repro LSR, SSR and K.43 ZF4 Mount


Senior Member
That very same seller recently already sold two K.43 ZF4 mounts that were determined fake .. now he has two more ZF4 mounts up for auction, but additionally a LSR mount and a SSR mount - of which both have rifle numbers and the SSR mount even the Weihrauch HWZ logo, as well as coming with a Kahles H/4x60 scope. If one looks close, the rainshield of the scope appears to be aluminum that is painted black, and the 1-8 elevation markings are undersized.

Well, anyway, judge yourself. To me these are a bit scary since they are all of higher quality than the reproduction mounts I used to know in the past.

1. Two G/K.43 ZF4 mounts:
2. Weihrauch HWZ SSR mount with Kahles H/4x60:
3. LSR with base and Kahles Heliavier:
Guten Morgen
Ich finde es auch sehr schwierig zu beurteilen!
Für mich schaut aber die Alterung sehr künstlich herbeigeführt aus....
Kann aber nat auch täuschen!
Vielleicht wissen die Profis mehr.....
Wurde das HWZ-Logo gefräst oder gestempelt?
Vielleicht kann man da was rausbekommen!
Die kurze Seitenmontage sieht echt gut aus.....sehr schwierig finde ich!
Bei der zf4 Montage finde ich die WaA Abnahme nicht gut!irgendwie meine ich zu tief!?
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They scream aged repros to me, fake patina and orange rust from the process just looks bad.
Machining and polishing of the metal has that modern look compared with old school process imo.