Third Party Press

Rebuilt Bayonet???


Junior Member
I have an S/175 bayonet that is partially over stamped with “45” mostly below the S/175. Wondering if that could indicate a rebuild in that year?
We should see it the number on photo, but it could be a refurbishment number, similar could be observed on scabbard on pommel too, it could be additional number added by overhaul, the possibility of date is very low.
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Yes this should be done by refurbishment, 45 was assembly number by overhaul. Visible that the grips are not period, as by pre 1938 should be wood, here is brown plastic, and scabbard is missmatch too as different year 1935, the bayonet should be 1936 or 37. You should look at spine of blade for date, same as it would be nice to see the serial number for dbase.
As Andrej indicated, the 45 is a "bench" or assembly number which was applied to various components during the process of refurbishing the bayonet. Not date relative.

Military Rifle Journal