Third Party Press

Quality repro sling for K98


Active member

I received a very good recommendation here with regards to the scope lens covers and wanted to ask for something similar for sling.

I want to use my K98 in a historic matches and competitions hence I need a sling I can fully rely on but also one which looks good with such a rifle.

Would you be so kind and recommend the place or person I should go to to get quality and still good looking sling?

Hello michal, I got one off amazon uk for a mauser that's smoothbored to .410 that i use for rabbit shooting,It was from a company called war replica . It's brown leather and very supple even before I put some clear dubbin on it . The buckle is a little oversized but it's a good usable sling . I think it was about £10.
If money 's not an issue, just order one in the US like I did :)

Placed an order with ATF for both of my competition rifles and I'm very happy :)
Amazon sling, I was going to polish it to darken it and take the paint off the buckle then blue it to make it look better but I just put clear dubbin on it in the end and put it on . I will however spin the keepers round so the stitching faces inwards at some point.


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