Prefered K98K, G/K43 Codes


Hey guys,
Sorry if this may seem ignorant but I'm curious to know whether you guys feel that any of the K98K maker codes are more desirable than the others? Personally I'd prefer a K98 that was built by Mauser and a G/K43 that was built by Walther with the possible exception of a bcd.

I'm not a seasoned collector by any means but I'm trying to find two or three nice examples of K98s or G/K43s. I'd obviously choose condition over codes any day but all things being equal, is there a ranking list among collectors where some codes are more desirable than others?

I don't know which codes folks would peg as being worth more but I can tell you that certain codes and/or code/date combinations are harder to find. Then again also some collectors like to zero in on one manufacturer, or there are those that want only late war rifles.

For fun as well as information I would suggest you peruse the sticky threads covering the various makers. Also scroll back through general posts and you might be able to detect some trends. Really to me, ANY k98 COULD be desirable.

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... certainly some codes are more desirable (ie., 27, 337, 660, ax, ar), but collectors will be all over the place on what they like. More desirable also = tougher to find.

My advise, to a newer collector ... forget the code, and concentrate on a rifle being righteous, (orig stock finish, orig blue). To me, if you first happen on to five straight byf 44 rifles that are righteous, no harm in owning all five even though this is the most common code/year combo.
I got lucky on my first K98. Even though nothing matches it's a ar 43. But when it comes time to get my second I'm going to focus more on all matching numbers and condition. But this forum has taught me a shite ton on these gun over the course of a week.

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This hobby is largely a matter of opportunity. If a collector decides to specialize within a narrow range of makers and dates, then some otherwise nice pieces might be passed up. As an example, I'd always wanted a really nice byf 42 98K. They're surprisingly rare, and I collected some other very nice items while looking for one. Eventually, it came along, and then another, and so on. My avatar is a shot of the butt stock stemple on a mint byf 41 98k in the collection. It took years to find.
These rifles remind me of any other collectible item, what one person likes, the next may not. I prefer Simson, bSw, 337 and BCD. Changed code through the years but in essence the same facility. No particular reason, the wind just kind of pushed me that way in 25 years. I do have other makers codes as well because the best time to buy an original, decent K98 is when you SEE one.
Hey guys thanks for your thoughts. As you can tell I'm pretty green with these guns so I just wanted to see if there were any preferred codes or ones to stay away from. My personal preference will probably be to stick with Mauser built but now I'll be open to any nice clean one no matter who made it. :thumbsup:
Hey guys,
Sorry if this may seem ignorant but I'm curious to know whether you guys feel that any of the K98K maker codes are more desirable than the others? Personally I'd prefer a K98 that was built by Mauser and a G/K43 that was built by Walther with the possible exception of a bcd.

I'm not a seasoned collector by any means but I'm trying to find two or three nice examples of K98s or G/K43s. I'd obviously choose condition over codes any day but all things being equal, is there a ranking list among collectors where some codes are more desirable than others?

I only collect K98's from the 2 Mauserplants, Oberndorf and Borsigwalde. I had to start with something. But the main reason is because i have a small mencave/collectionroom...and even a smaller wallet.
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With G43's the bcd rifles are hard to find and lowest production but they are all concentration camp/slave labor produced - so some people don't like their MOJO.

Milled receivers (contracted) are also a little harder to find and so are the early milled out panel rifles produced by Walther with code ac.

Then it really comes down to variations that make the G/K43 rifles scarce/rare.