Third Party Press

Pre-war Group cleaning

Tiger 2 Tank

Senior Member
I bought a couple of interesting pistols about a week ago from a gentleman in Massachusetts. The little Mauser WTP II and Mauser 1910/34 with black plastic grips. I pulled a few out of the safe to compare and do a little oiling and cleaning. Working midnights where you have to stay up the night before on your day off gets a little hard staying awake, so watched the latest installment of “Down in the Cellar #47” with Mr. Whittmann and Ahb, and here we go.

Interesting to note that the little 1913 Sauer is just about the same size as these little Mauser 1910/34’s. The Sauer is 7,65 caliber and the other pistols are 6,35.E27B9CD4-19AB-49D1-BF41-379296FFB7DB.jpeg

Military Rifle Journal