Third Party Press

Please help me. K98k Barrel Length



Can someone tell me the front length of the K98k Barrel?
I also want to know the length from the muzzle to the front sight hole.

Please tell me in millimeters.


Thank you!
From the very front shoulder of the taper to the muzzle is 5.25" = 133.35 mm (Mine K98k is a bcd 43)

I don't know where the front sight hole is relative to the front sight (and I'm not removing mine) so I can't help with that one.
From the very front shoulder of the taper to the muzzle is 5.25" = 133.35 mm (Mine K98k is a bcd 43)

I don't know where the front sight hole is relative to the front sight (and I'm not removing mine) so I can't help with that one.
I believe it's centered directly beneath the slot where the front sight post slides through. Should be able to approximate it pretty accurately.
테이퍼의 맨 앞 어깨에서 주둥이까지의 길이는 5.25" = 133.35mm입니다(광산 K98k는 bcd 43입니다).

나는 앞쪽 시야 구멍이 앞쪽 시야와 관련하여 어디에 있는지 모르기 때문에 (내 것을 제거하지 않을 것입니다) 그것을 도울 수 없습니다.
매우 도움이 되었습니다. 감사합니다.

Military Rifle Journal