Got my first K98 today, just looking to gather as much information as I can about it and hopefully figure out which stock it belongs in so I can restore it to its military past.
These matching blms are hard to find.All blm parts on this one41
A rifle from our picture reference section. Hard rifles too find in original non sporterized configuration. So far the bolt looks to be matching the action so hopefully bottom metal does as well, stock is wrong, barrel bands are missing along with barrel band spring and stock cap. You'll need a cupped buttplate K98 stock with metal and early (type 1 aka milled) barrel bands plus the barrel band spring then you should be good to go for a shooter.
Agree with the above. I noticed the ejector box doesn't match, but not really a big deal. Also it appears the receiver got bit by a pipe wrench in pics 4 and 5. Not sure what's up with that as it's still got the original barrel, but I never underestimate Bubba anymore.