Original "FG42 scope" - auction result


Senior Member
Hermann-Historica of Germany auctioned off yesterday a "FG42 scope" without mount. Hammer price was € 11.500, so with 25% BP € 14.375 (as of today $ 15,702.44). Serial was 10V 274, so 10. Versuch (10th trial) scope #274. Condition was pretty rough as well, so IMHO quite expensive for what you get - on the other hand, anything that has FG42 connection has the same weight value as gold ...

Link with pictures: https://www.hermann-historica.de/de/auctions/lot/id/796521
Anyway, the HH auction at least shows a correct description. I assume that the thought emerged that a scope for FG42 might be no mistake and Luftwaffe took what they had presently at hand. But it must be noted that these FG42 from their engravings are all trial scopes. They never got into official production. So maybe they were no use for Luftwaffen in intended project and then to be used on FG. A brass scope is too heavy for a sniper rifle, so this was not the originally intended partner.
More to "at least have it mentioned": the official US WWI Springfield M1903 as well as Canadian Ross M1910 sniper rifle had a scope made of brass, the Warner & Swasey Musket Sight Model of 1913. The Italian WWI sniper scopes were also made of brass by Filotecnica Milano. I agree they are heavy, but for that period it was quite common to find scopes made of brass.

For what it's worth, the 4V (most likely 4. Versuch, 4th Trial) was made of anodized aluminum. So not all were brass. Also the 10V is a mixture of steel and brass.