Third Party Press

Odd milled Spreewerk P.38


Senior Member
Picked up rather by mistake this Spreewerk P.38 pistol. Nearly "lost" on it since the seller then all of a sudden decided he would not sell for obscure reasons and sent back payment, but I re-sent and basically told him that the deal was closed. He finally agreed to complete it and I received it today.

While I do know Spreewerk P.38 pistols are common to have rough milling, this one is a "special" one for having really odd milling marks on the slide. It is all matching numbers, note though I digitally removed the first digit of the serial. Curious to find out if I simply did not know of this "milling version", or if uncommon. Thanks!
This milling pattern is actually not that uncommon on the early cyq pistols. I think it is centered around the c and d blocks? Not really a P38 collectors so not 100% but I seen it more than a few times.
I agree with Ryan. I've also seen a few of these, but It's usually considered a plus as far as collector interest is concerned.
I love it! Thanks for sharing!(y)
you see the straight line milling on the earlier Spreewerk pistols. The later pistols used some type of a fly cutter that cut with a large arc.
I recently picked up a Spreewerk that has cross hatch type machining marks on both sides of the slide. The are perfectly straight line cuts leaving a diamond pattern. I've never seen another one like it and wondered what they may have used to make it this way? I need to try and get some good pictures of it.

Military Rifle Journal