That's certainly a beauty!
While I've worked on dozens of these over the years, I only acquired an HsC of my own just recently. It's an Interarms import in .380 that was kept in the box and never fired, and the deal was too good to refuse.
The HsC is an interesting mechanism, but before I'd ever consider carrying this pistol I think I'd have to spend some time getting familiar with it on the range. The heel release doesn't bother me, but the mag-activated slide stop takes some getting used to. Then there's that sweeping trigger guard-to-muzzle fillet, which interferes with the two-hand hold I normally use.
I also wish the pistol was in the original chambering, as the .380ACP cartridge seems a bit too hot for these little guns. Like the Walther PP/PPK, recoil from the .380 can sometimes jar the safety out of its detent.
Obviously none of this has anything to do with your fine KM piece, but I just felt like posting. Best of luck with that gun, I'm sure you're delighted!