Most auctions I attend with old photo's, the boxes of photo's get thrown away. Course 1 out of 10000 will be a WWI soldier with a rifle.
We just went through this with my grandmother's estate. The reality is that once the people in a picture are dead, and certainly once the people who knew them personally are dead, very few people will care at all. I've got a box of maybe 500 family photos from her ranging from the 1920s through the 1970s, and heavily biased towards the 30s and 40s. I'm in the cost scoping part of putting together a project to digitize them all so that they can be distributed to anyone in the family who wants them, but realistically I know that 99% of them are never going to be looked at after I scan them, and even that 1% will probably just be used for middle school family tree projects for my cousins kids and then promptly forgotten about.
After I scan them they'll go in proper archival storage, because I'm that kind of idiot, but I have absolutely zero illusions that they aren't just going to sit there gathering dust until some day (hopefully half a century from now) when someone's clearing out
my estate and has to try and figure out what to do with all these old pics.
There isn't even a "that's a shame" to attach to it, it isn't a good thing or a bad thing, it's just a thing.
edit: there are a few pictures of old cars that might be of interest on a car forum, one of my grandfather in the 50s at a deer camp with a lever action that might be of interest to someone who's really into field pics of dudes in the midwest killing deer (weird but I'm not going to judge), the rest are just an assortment of "oh that's great aunt so and so's second cousin Billy, he died in a car wreck in the 50s. I don't know who the people with him are."