MP44 magazine book


Senior Member
I thought pointing out the newly published book treating MP44 magazines would be worth mentioning, especially since it is super comprehensive and covers everything from MKb42 prototypes up to the end. It was super amazing for me to learn on how many variations there are and perfectly covers side aspects that most usually go over and do not care upon, so he did great work for everyone by writing it.

The author describes the content himself as:
In this privately printed book series about the accessories to the Sturmgewehr 44, in volume 1 on magazines around 100 contemporary magazine variants are photographically documented and described on 160 pages with almost 1200 color photographs.To create this book, the holdings of military museums and collections on three continents were examined and documented over a period of more than 10 years in order to meet the requirement for completeness as much as possible.Volume 2 will be dedicated exclusively to magazine pouches and is scheduled to be published in 2024.Shipping costs for EU buyers are EUR 16, shipping costs to other countries are determined by the shipping location.

Despite the German language I therefore think worth buying, also for non German speakers. It was written by a dear forum member, he listed those for sale online here: . Since he is a member I hope that this can be considered an exempt to the rules and therefore allow to post the link to this auction. Anyway better would be to directly PM @Nigromontanus for purchase requests.
I thought pointing out the newly published book treating MP44 magazines would be worth mentioning, especially since it is super comprehensive and covers everything from MKb42 prototypes up to the end. It was super amazing for me to learn on how many variations there are and perfectly covers side aspects that most usually go over and do not care upon, so he did great work for everyone by writing it.

The author describes the content himself as:

Despite the German language I therefore think worth buying, also for non German speakers. It was written by a dear forum member, he listed those for sale online here: . Since he is a member I hope that this can be considered an exempt to the rules and therefore allow to post the link to this auction. Anyway better would be to directly PM @Nigromontanus for purchase requests.
I have this reference book and it's very worthwhile to acquire if you collect StG items.
I also own a copy. The author does include an English translation to download and print on request. Quite comprehensive. When I purchased it, I must admit I thought it also included accessories and magazine pouches, my primary interest, which it does not.
I also own a copy. The author does include an English translation to download and print on request. Quite comprehensive. When I purchased it, I must admit I thought it also included accessories and magazine pouches, my primary interest, which it does not.

Paul has indicated that this is "Teil One" with additional volumes to follow dedicated to other accessories; magazine pouches, tools, manuals, etc. Hope this comes to fruition ....
Shall it be actually the case that my printer is reliable I shall have a preflight of 50 books of part 2 of the StG44 accessories project with me in on the Ciney show. It covers magazine pouches, 80 original pouches (all existing variants) on 224 pages. About 10 will go to contributors there. When the rest is ready I will let the forum know.
Received my copy of "Teil Two" or perhaps it should be called THE StG44 Pouch Book in the mail today. Another great work, thanks to the author for documenting these rarities.
It is a work that is amazing by itself. I would had never expected the field of mag pouches to be covered in such big detail and at that being (almost) complete too. Something never to be improved upon. Can only recommend for anyone interested to get a copy.
Yes, your pouches let me discover a new variant. There may be still other variants, but after monitoring what came up worldwide in the last 15+ years the likelihood that new material emerges is limited.