MP.40 "dummy" receiver; Legal?

I don't think it is legal here as pictured but I'm no lawyer and I don't work for ATF. That said, Linas is a good guy though. He will make them to order. I had him make me a couple of the MP38 tubes with no holes or slots cut. Those are just "fancy" fluted tubes the way I got them.
Philadelphia ordnance sells 80% legal to own receivers

Bob bowers is a great guy to do business with, shipping would be cheaper

if you get caught with that receiver in customs you will be a guest of the federal govt
That's a good link to post Hambone. Lots of good info there. Keep in mind what is illegal here is not in other countries. For instance in Europe in many places the receiver is fine it is the bolt and barrel that are the regulated parts that need to be demilled. For them the receiver is no problem. Just because it is posted on GB or Ebay doesn't mean it's legal here. Also, just because someone else ordered one and got it through customs doesn't mean it is legal. The nice thing about these in particular is that you can order them with correct markings and have serial numbers stamped to match your parts set. That to me is where the attraction is with Linas' parts. Again, I would get them with no holes and only the flutes machined so they are just fancy tubes. I wouldn't get the trunnions in there either. I forgot to mention in my previous post about the MP38 tubes that I had him omit those as well.
Good info KSH, particularly with respect to what is legal in Europe may not be legal here. The barrel is indeed the restricted part which makes sense because a barrel is harder to make than most receivers. I wouldn't want my name on one of those coming through customs either.
Seems to me that as long as the trigger area isn't machined out, it's good to go.

The problem with that, however, is how could you make a dummy gun of it then?
"Legal" Dummy Gun Receivers

IMA has Beretta 38 SMG Dummy Guns for sale, the Half of an original receiver is welded to a dummy tube and an original bolt (with its face turned down flat) is welded into the dummy tube.

PPSH-41 Dummy Guns had their barrel chamber welded up and then welded to the trunnion. (Though newer dummy guns must have the trunnion destroyed) then the dummy receiver WHICH IS SOLID is welded to the other half of the original receiver.

IMA has been selling approved "display guns" for years.

This hasn't stopped BATF agents from sometimes saying "once a receiver, always a receiver" even for "cut" MG receivers. You might want to do research on for more information. While those folks (at specialize in home-made semi-auto versions of MG's and SMG's, their forum's participants are well versed on the legal step-by-step procedure that MUST be followed exactly when working or possessing de-milled receivers or 80% receivers and parts kits.
Rich, I'm one of those guys from Weaponeer (first) and Weaponsguild later that has done extensive work in this area. building semi versions of MPs. The key to the tubes referenced by the original poster is that they would not be receivers if the cocking slot, and the sear, magwell and ejector ports were not cut. They would be no different than the AR castings that are not receivers, just a fancy hunk of metal. It's cutting the holes that make them a receiver. So the once a receiver always doesn't apply here because they would not need to have been demilled like the Berettas and other SMG you are referring to. Once the receiver tube has been demilled properly it ceases to be a receiver. If the parts are rewelded they become a new receiver and the rewelder better make sure that they have done so in a way that makes it not an NFA item by reducing the ID or permanent blocking bar etc preventing FA parts installation or ready conversion. Unless of course you have an FFL 07 / SOT 02. Here's a pic of my semi MP38 pistol.


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The key to the tubes referenced by the original poster is that they would not be receivers if the cocking slot, and the sear, magwell and ejector ports were not cut.

With that said, how do you make dummy guns out of these then?
Just mount your parts on them without cutting the holes. The nice thing about the MP40 is the flutes in the tube will keep your magwell in line. The barrel nut hols that in place. There are some dummy mags for sale on Ebay, buy one gut it down and insert in magwell. I would knock out the sear pin so your trigger can move. Insert the lugs into the rear cap and turn. Done.
since I chimed in

Im also a weaponeer member, a founding member of weaponsguild and long time gunco contributor

I agree on all the posts, I just don't see going through the effort to import something, that is available in Pennsylvania
I agree, if I needed an MP40 tube I'd stay local but the flutes that they have on their MP38 tubes are dead nuts perfect and not available on the ones you can get from folks here. Wish I had one when I made my semi originally but I will be making an improved better version soon.
I have little experience with these. Is a dummy gun able to be made from the Philadelphia ordinance 80% receiver without any additional milling?