mauser k 98 shooting


Active member
today first time I took my mausek K 98 for shooting.

I try S&B 198 grain and my production on powder Lovex. s 62 also bullet 198 grain PPU
how to say. compared my carl gustafs . k 98 look poor.
yellow target this is amo S&B.
last foto carl 6,5 x 55 se.
distance 100 M
barrel perfect condition


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There's a lot that goes into the accuracy of a K98k, but it's important to remember that they were never sub-MOA rifles to begin with. I'd have to look up what the acceptance criteria was (it wasn't measured in MOA) but off the top of my head it came in to something like ~3.5 MOA, which was pretty typical for infantry rifles of the era. I believe the Swedes had tighter acceptance criteria, but I could be mistaken on that.

Then you've got how the gun has aged. A lot of Swedish guns were very well taken care of and are in great shape, and more than a few were tuned by shooting clubs before getting to us.

Then you get into things like how the stock is bedded, whether there's the right amount of pressure in the right spots, and if there's any other damage that might not be immediately apparent with a look through the bore, such as an eroded crown.

Either way that's good shooting, I don't think I could do that with open sights at 100 yards with any gun, although I could probably come close with my K31 with diopters.
Good info Cyrano. Always wondered what the criteria was on the 98k. Of course bore condition plays a part I would think. Plus shooting a vintage one with bore issues like eroded crown should be considered.
and 98 az nad G 98


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You can't do much to evaluate a crown from pics, beyond eliminating obvious major problems like an obvious dent or other damage. You really need a gauge to slip in the crown and test for erosion. You can use a bullet as an ersatz gauge, though. Try putting a bullet in the bore. If it swallows it, it's pretty well shot out.
it look good I think


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that open sight are crazy for me.. gosh..two triangles, and I'm farsighted :)
I can shoot semi-acceptably using a Norwegian modified rear sight notch, but have a hard time even finding the German notch. I’m very nearsighted, optics for me!