Hi guys, here's the Banner K98 I just found two days ago. I took a couple of pictures of it in its present condition to show you and maybe get some advices from you.
The good is that it's all matching including the wood. The bore is in really good shape, the crown is in medium condition. It seems to be a rework as Bruce said, I have so S/42K parts on it that are un-numbered.
The bad is that the stock have been lightly sanded and varnished, which I intend to fix in the restoration process. The metal of the action and barrel has some surface rust but no deep pitting. I plan on cleaning the metal with some thin 4.0 steel wool, brass brush and nylon brush really gently. I'll use gun oil in the process. If you have some other advices on that concerning the rust feel free the share !
I would need to know one specific thing from you guys : What should I use for the oil finish on the stock ? I want it close as the original finish so If anyone have the answer, it'll be more than welcome !
Here's the pics
Tell me what you think.

The good is that it's all matching including the wood. The bore is in really good shape, the crown is in medium condition. It seems to be a rework as Bruce said, I have so S/42K parts on it that are un-numbered.
The bad is that the stock have been lightly sanded and varnished, which I intend to fix in the restoration process. The metal of the action and barrel has some surface rust but no deep pitting. I plan on cleaning the metal with some thin 4.0 steel wool, brass brush and nylon brush really gently. I'll use gun oil in the process. If you have some other advices on that concerning the rust feel free the share !
I would need to know one specific thing from you guys : What should I use for the oil finish on the stock ? I want it close as the original finish so If anyone have the answer, it'll be more than welcome !
Here's the pics
Tell me what you think.

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