Third Party Press

Looking for a k98 capture


Active member
I have a CE 43 dated rifle that has all of the other stamps punched over except for tow under the right side of the rear elevation site that say 280 with wings. Cant find any info on them. I have another vz24 brno with SN D5 4720. Any help or direction is appreciated. Ty
I’ve read in these pages that the pinged proofs is a sign of Romanian military use, after the russians drove the Germans out & the pro-axis government capitulated. Defaces it collectibly, but doesn’t affect the performance of the rifle, I have one.
What’s the question on the vz24? Serial # is correct pattern……. if you look inthe picture reference section under Brunn I & Brunn II, you’ll see similar rifles to compare yours to. The best way to get info/answers is to post pictures.

Military Rifle Journal