Third Party Press

Kriegsmodell byf45: 4 questions on markings


Hi all,

I would be happy, if someone could comment on the following three questions:

1.) Is it possible to determine by the serial# 9042 in which month the rifle was produced in 1945 (i.e. "no letter"-suffix is January 45)?

2.) What could the mark (...looks like a crown - see picture) on the right side of the receiver beneath the WaA-eagle be?

3.) The bolt has the original Mauser Oberndorf "RW" inspection proof. I found by now that RW my stands either for "Rudolf Weiss", a Mauser employee and inspector, or for "Werk's Revision" (factory revision). Which version is correct?

4.) stock: is it possible, that the stock of a byf-45 is not marked at all?



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1. Yes January 1945
2. More than likely it is another e/135, this rifle should have e/135 x2 on the right receiver. Often they are poorly struck, sometimes upside down, which might look like a crown.
3. WR=Waffen Revision, an in-house Mauser stamp, not sure the exact purpose, but it extremely common. The exact meaning might be in the books Mike and Bruce finished, Jon Speed would have a more definitive answer.
4. Stocks, they usually have E/WaA135 on the right side of stock, small e/135's at wrist and lower buttstock. Menzel (C-stocks) are fairly common in this range.

Is your barrel code D1080? I can't make out the last number?
Good support!

@ Loewe: Thank you very much for the good answers, I appreciate it!
regarding barrel code: Yes, it reads D1080

@ Warrior1354: Thanks for your comment!
Actually, I don' t really know, if it is a solid walnut(?) or laminated stock.
The stock is not marked at all, however I haven' t looked inside yet.

Best Regards,
Take some pictures of the stock when you can. It its a walnut stock which I think it is from your pictures thats rare too find this late in the war.

Military Rifle Journal