Immaculate Banner Mauser Modelo of 1935 Long Rifle

Just acquired this amazing rifle from a famous collector and author. I recognized his name from a book on my desk! This one is not import marked and was brought in 50 years ago. A beautiful example, opinions?










wow.. It never gets old looking @ rifles like that !!! A time capsule for sure. Mauser quality at its peak.
Paints a clear picture of what these rifles looked like when they came off the lines at the Mauser factory. It is really shocking too believe that this rifle was a weapon of war by the condition and the flawless craftsmanship in took too make this piece. What a stunning and beautiful piece Discogodfather. I truly believe that the South America contract Mausers are some of the nicest military rifles out there.
Imagine being issued that rifle then schlepping it through the woods. Compare this to any commercial grade modern rifle (and this rifle is nicer). The Portuguese contract rifles can be occasionally found in this condition too.
I've had new from crate Port rifles and still not this nice. That thing is amazing.

Imagine what a gun of that quality would cost today? Haha
I had a similar condition Modelo 1935, very close in serial to yours. It had it's factory original target, and matching bayonet. I foolishly sold it ($1700) and regret it to this day. They are S U B L I M E