Third Party Press

I lied and now have egg on my face


Mud duck
Ok, where to begin....

A few months ago I posted a G41 on this forum asking what the experts thought about its originality. I wasn't honest because of the status of the gun. Btw, I'll post some "non redacted" pictures down below so those who keep track of S/N's can make note of it. At this point mark it in your notes "pending destruction"

So I'm a civilian at a PD in a deep blue state. 10 years ago I had the privilege to tour the PD's reference collection. This is not the norm by the way. So during that experience I spotted a G41, I think it whispered to me asking for rescue. Years went by and I never stopped thinking about it. A few months ago the person who manages the library mentioned that its so full they are going to thin the herd to make room. At this point they are really only concerned about crime type of weapons. A G41 does not fit the profile. Btw, this rifle was surrendered in 1999 (grandpa died and no one wants a scary gun in the house).

Of course, me being selfish ;) and always looking to add to my collection, I enquired about its availability. I went out of my way (at multiple levels) in the hope there was a way I could somehow purchase it, Nope, not a chance but I had to try right???? Everyone here would do the same. The clock is ticking at this point so I decided to ask about donating it to an organization where it could live behind glass and be enjoyed by the public. After several conversations this was a "go". However, its me to do the leg work and I find a legit organization willing to do a little red tape like type up a letter expressing their interest and explaining how it could benefit them.

So, I reach out first to a fellow who has a museum in Gettysburg, PA. He's also a dealer of militaria so some of you probably can figure out who that is. I message him through Facebook. No response and I can see he received and read it the message.

Sheesh, can't even respond with a simple not interested or sorry, I can't help. "F" that dude, free G41 and can't respond!!!!! WTH

So, I move on to number 2. Its another group but their main focus is tanks and vehicles. They do however have small arms on display but its mainly USGI.

They at least responded but they apparently have very little interest. In fact, I don't think the person even knows what a G41 is. Their response came back with, Was the rifle used in WW2? I replied with the picture below of an MP tinkering with one? Second, Because the stock has been messed, they probably don't have an interest. Then, last but not least, they don't write letters explaining their organization and interest in an item. They just present one of their brochure's. I guess he missed the part about this being a PD and the item being a firearm and not a canteen. Instead of giving up as in too far to turn back, I agreed to drive the 3 hours round trip to physically discuss this in person. I also volunteered on my time to remove the shellac as carefully as possible. So we will see what happens.

However, at this point I'm frustrated and tired. I hear people complain about PD's and what they do with weapons. Why can't they donate them or sell them???? Well, #1 its a pita to jump through the hoops and #2 once something gets in the system, heads will roll if it ever turns up in a crime. No one wants to put their career on the line for that

I'm done venting!!!! I'll update this post if things turn out positive.


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Hopefully it works out! In my neck of the woods, PDs regularly have gun auctions. Then again, my woods are deep red lol
You might also inquire if your PD unloads any weapons as surplus, or if they unload weapon parts. Plenty of PD's sell off their used glocks, and some others that can't do that for political reasons end up flogging the slides, trigger parts, and other bits that aren't legally guns. It would suck if the bbl ends up going into the smelter, but there's a few thousand in parts there with the bolt, stock, etc. It might help if you point out to your leadership that this is money that could be used for whatever gets traction with your organization - donate to a food bank, buy body armor for officers, support a local pediatric cancer ward, whatever.
Point out to them that it’s listed by the atf as a curio and relic and the statistics of it being used in a crime are zero…ammo is not readily available.
I mean, I love where you're going with this, but the ammo can be bought at any sporting goods store in the US. 8mm Mauser remains a fairly easy to get hunting round because of the slew of ex-military deer guns out there.
Sorry guys. It can’t come out as a parts kit. 20 years ago, yes, but the climate is different. Destroy it or donate it. Although, a Trump pardon might do it, but since the election, he's stopped taking my calls :). The organization (that I alluded to above) is focused on USGI and the American war effort. I get the vibe they aren't enthusiastic about some old nazi battle rifle that's not pristine. I just need to educate these folks. They don’t understand that this was Germany’s failed attempt to compete with the SVT-40 and Garand. In addition, complete matching functional examples are somewhat scarce and expensive

I want to get my facts straight, Is there any "educated" estimate of the surviving G41W's? Also, of those that are here in the US, is it plausible to say, almost all came home as war trophy's. I'm not aware of any post war/pre 68 importations of these. Then again, I've never owned one and never really educated myself beyond forgotten weapons and Wiki
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Sure they were imported. Just about everything was if it was legal to bring in and available. Here's a quickly googled advert, get yourself a Gew41 for $49 for the Gew41(w) and $50 for the Gew41(m). Right above the $30 Lugers.


Military Rifle Journal