Milsurps and mines
Hello I am new to the form. I have a 1918 Danzig gew98 converted to a k98. From what I have read the XX preceding the SN marks the 20th military district. I think this is what’s called a depot built rifle done likely in 40-42 out of necessity for additional arms. The information I have found seems to be somewhat confusing. I own backbone and there is limited info in there. I have read through lots of forms that say these rifles were for training 

units others say they were for front line troops. It mmm I’m fairly versed on the k98 but no expert. It appears that the barrel was a replacement k98 barrel and not a cutdown g98. The receiver, barrel, floor plate, and both bands match. The stock, buttplate, and nose cap match themselves, and the bolt matches itself. I did notice the floor plate is a g98 floor plate. The bore is absolutely pristine by far the best surplus bore I have seen. The wood and bluing are in such good shape as well I wonder if this rifle was refinished or maybe just taken care of extremely well especially given the condition of the bore. I guess what I’m looking for is a basic explanation on depot guns and if this is one. Also any other insight to the rifle would be greatly appreciated.