Help identify mod 98

Wow, that appears to be an amazing example of late war of a Gustloff Werke, Weimar made Kriegsmodell 98k.

It looks unissued/minty. It is beautiful....Nice solid walnut stock too, not atypical for a late Gustloff, but uncommon when laminated stocks ruled.

Worth...A LOT...I am sure you are also being swamped with offers via IM. Don't jump on anything....unless its my offer of $500 cold hard cash :thumbsup:
Wow, that appears to be an amazing example of late war of a Gustloff Werke, Weimar made Kriegsmodell 98k.

It looks unissued/minty. It is beautiful....Nice solid walnut stock too, not atypical for a late Gustloff, but uncommon when laminated stocks ruled.

Worth...A LOT...I am sure you are also being swamped with offers via IM. Don't jump on anything....unless its my offer of $500 cold hard cash :thumbsup:

Whats a ballpark value?

I have a gun that a friend would like to trade this rifle for.
An absolute beauty. My only concern would be has a little improvement been added to the stock?? Something simple like BLO, or was it that nice from day one? Incrediable rifle but I get really worried when something that old, and so late in production, looks that good.
i have my concerns with the bolt too. the gas shield should be numbered and should be very rough. thats a gas shield off a post war czech rifle, no war time gun would have had an unnumbered gas shield. the numbering on the bolt looks too clean, looks like the bolt was ground down and renumbered (some are period factory done though) this bolt is just too clean for my liking. value would be that of a bolt m/m or probably a bit less since the bolt has been dinked with.

this is what it should look like, this is on my own S block bnz45 and made well after the rifle in question.

this is from it shows the bnz bolt features well


So I am the only one who doesn't like the look of the bolt?
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and a little closer on the bolt comparison below. The finish on some parts requires better pics and as noted here the stock looks cleaned as well.


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Looking on phone....the bolt nos look pretty close but just not sloppy enough for steyr....i overlooked the shroud which certainly does not appear to be late steyr. I stand corrected bolt looks renumbered....shroud def not late steyr
Bigd, I was skipping through the thread, on a regular big pc screen and it didn't immediately jump out. Steyr bolt no.s are sloppy as you noted. However, a closer examination on a decent sized screen confirms it, as sharp eyed Ryan noted. Bingo on the shroud too, absolutely not a Steyr product of '45 vintage.

Humped bolt. Beyond that we'd need better pics, though usually when one thing like this is done, other things are done to "enhance" the piece as well.

My response to the OP and value: Parts / mm bolt value is still up around $1000.00, maybe better, as long as nothing else has been done to it. There are people who need particular parts off that rifle.
Bigd, I was skipping through the thread, on a regular big pc screen and it didn't immediately jump out. Steyr bolt no.s are sloppy as you noted. However, a closer examination on a decent sized screen confirms it, as sharp eyed Ryan noted. Bingo on the shroud too, absolutely not a Steyr product of '45 vintage.

Humped bolt. Beyond that we'd need better pics, though usually when one thing like this is done, other things are done to "enhance" the piece as well.

My response to the OP and value: Parts / mm bolt value is still up around $1000.00, maybe better, as long as nothing else has been done to it. There are people who need particular parts off that rifle.

You guys seem to know your K98's. I have little knowledge of these rifles but like them. Thats why I'm considering this rifle.
Good call on the bolt, didn't look that closely....

I don't think the stock has been sanded, the markings on the butt look pretty sharp, as does the bolt cut-out....maybe BLO or something rubbed in, but it looks to me thats about it.

The other thing now looking closer that I am not sure of is the TG and floorplate, it looks like the FP is unmarked, and I can't tell on the TG...wouldn't these be marked at least minimally? My "R" block is E/135 and byf marked on the FP, and just a single E/135 on the TG...hard to tell from the pics...

Assuming all else is correct, and only the bolt is doinked/re-numbered, its still a valuable gun. I guess it depends what your friend wants in trade. If it was 100% correct and unmessed with, it certainly would be worth in excess of 2K and up...
i have my concerns with the bolt too. the gas shield should be numbered and should be very rough. thats a gas shield off a post war czech rifle, no war time gun would have had an unnumbered gas shield.

Though this one is probably bad, I have an S block with an un-numbered shroud..

Ta- not necessarily the fact that its unnumbered....look closely at the finishes, contours, roughness, shape etc

Word. I suspect there may be other things going on too. The phosphate looks odd to me, though it could be the lighting.