Third Party Press

Hello everyone !


Hello everyone !

My name is Léo, I am living in Northern France and I have been fond of Atlantikwall and WW2 in my area. I am also a guide in Fort de la Crèche, a former MAA 240 battery located near Boulogne-sur-Mer. I love collecting documents dealing with all these.

I would be enjoyed to discuss with you !

Best regards,
Léo (Exclesior)
Hello everyone !

My name is Léo, I am living in Northern France and I have been fond of Atlantikwall and WW2 in my area. I am also a guide in Fort de la Crèche, a former MAA 240 battery located near Boulogne-sur-Mer. I love collecting documents dealing with all these.

I would be enjoyed to discuss with you !

Best regards,
Léo (Exclesior)
Hello everyone !

My name is Léo, I am living in Northern France and I have been fond of Atlantikwall and WW2 in my area. I am also a guide in Fort de la Crèche, a former MAA 240 battery located near Boulogne-sur-Mer. I love collecting documents dealing with all these.

I would be enjoyed to discuss with you !

Best regards,
Léo (Exclesior)
Bonjour et bienvenue,
What kind of documents do you collect ?

Military Rifle Journal