Gew.98 Style Muzzle Protector - Country of Origin?


Well-known member
I picked up a Gewehr 98 style muzzle protector and was curious of the country of origin. It has no other markings other than those shown here. It was suggested that it was Swedish in the vague item description.


There is a proofmark of a crown over a letter N, but it is not a Fraktur letter so I don’t think it is German.
I picked up a Gewehr 98 style muzzle protector and was curious of the country of origin. It has no other markings other than those shown here. It was suggested that it was Swedish in the vague item description.

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There is a proofmark of a crown over a letter N, but it is not a Fraktur letter so I don’t think it is German.
It's German. The numbers on the top are partial regimental markings (company and weapon nrs). I've got a few like that. The c/N ones show up with some frequency. Danzig made a fair number of these and floated between fraktur and block letters (this shows on their acceptance on rifles too)
It's German. The numbers on the top are partial regimental markings (company and weapon nrs). I've got a few like that. The c/N ones show up with some frequency. Danzig made a fair number of these and floated between fraktur and block letters (this shows on their acceptance on rifles too)
Thanks Chris!
Great unit marking, by WWI only company and inventory number were required on small items like this. I agree with Chris, I have several C/N lids.
Great unit marking, by WWI only company and inventory number were required on small items like this. I agree with Chris, I have several C/N lids.
Thank you for the confirmation. Fortunately, this one sold for a relatively low price.