Hello All! I'm posting to hopefully gain some insight and knowledge from all who read this forum. I recently inherited a Mauser from my dad. The gun has been in my family since the 40's when a friend of my Great-Grandfather brought the gun home. It was given to him by the mayor of a town in germany AFTER the end of the war. He apparently was supposed to surrender the gun, didn't, then gave it to a friend of my grandfathers, and now I have it. This is the story as it's been passed down through my family. As i hear it was also a sniper rifle, which i doubt. What did happen was my great grandfather had it sport-erized. From what I can tell, the rear sights were ground off, and hole filled. you can see the blued color (almost purple) fade to black in the photos. The stock was changed, and the rear eye hole sight was added. You can see the REDFIELD badge in one of the photos. There are 3 matching serial numbers on the bolt that are the same, but do not match the rest of the gun. Bolt #s are 5117, everything else is 4034.
My plan was to have a gunsmith mount a scope and use the thing in Montana for hunting elk and deer. It's a family heirloom, and a cool piece of history, but not worth all that much money. It is however in great condition with all numbers and stampings. Anyone who cares to comment or give their piece of mind, I would like to hear it! Maybe I should just practice up and get decent with the current setup and not add the scope? Thanks!
My plan was to have a gunsmith mount a scope and use the thing in Montana for hunting elk and deer. It's a family heirloom, and a cool piece of history, but not worth all that much money. It is however in great condition with all numbers and stampings. Anyone who cares to comment or give their piece of mind, I would like to hear it! Maybe I should just practice up and get decent with the current setup and not add the scope? Thanks!