Third Party Press

G43 bolt assembly


Hello Gentleman,
So as a first time poster/buyer, I recently purchased a new rifle and promptly disassembled it. Well, as I re attempted the assembly I was unable to put it back together. Well I searched the Internet and this site to no avail. So how do you put the bolt back in?
Side note the rifle is a G43 ac f 44, sadly the but stock is cut and the upper hand guard is home made. Thus, where can I get new parts for this glorious new rifle.
Regards Andy

There are youtube videos for bolt dis assembly and reassembly. Thats what I used when I got my k43.
I did the same thing, but my bolt does not have the bolt latch to keep it together when placing it back in the rifle.
I did the same thing, but my bolt does not have the bolt latch to keep it together when placing it back in the rifle.

There is a different procedure for re-inserting the bolt assembly into late war rifles without the bolt carrier latch. Unfortunately, the assembly doesn't always go in smooth on those versions. You're probably better off holding the bolt carrier in the "locked" position with a firm grip (index finger around the handle, thumb against the back of the bolt housing). Use the other hand or your thumb to press down on the protruding pin in the back to get the assembly to drop into the receiver. Make sure the safety points to the right before you start the exercise.

You will find stocks and hand guards on feeBay. I hope you're not the guy who placed the winning $480 bid on a hand guard the other day :facepalm:
Here's the video:

It gets MUCH easier after you have done it a few times.

First time (pre-video) I launched bolt parts in two directions across the room bouncing one off a glass door. So you might want to wear safety glasses until you get the feel for it. I can disassemble and assemble one in oh, 20 seconds now.
There is a different procedure for re-inserting the bolt assembly into late war rifles without the bolt carrier latch. Unfortunately, the assembly doesn't always go in smooth on those versions. You're probably better off holding the bolt carrier in the "locked" position with a firm grip (index finger around the handle, thumb against the back of the bolt housing). Use the other hand or your thumb to press down on the protruding pin in the back to get the assembly to drop into the receiver. Make sure the safety points to the right before you start the exercise.

You will find stocks and hand guards on feeBay. I hope you're not the guy who placed the winning $480 bid on a hand guard the other day :facepalm:

Holy cow, I can't even guess at what Durafol original would sell for! Yikes....
So, I have determined what I need to bring this rifle back to spec.
Complete rifle stock
Butt plate and screws
Cleaning rod
I have all the metal parts
Where would or could find the upper hand guard (repo) in durfol?
Recommendations on Repo scopes and mounts would be helpful.
Regards Andy
There is a different procedure for re-inserting the bolt assembly into late war rifles without the bolt carrier latch.

Yes that's right. It's been a few years since I've done it on one of my late K43's.
If I remember correctly, it had something to do with a scribe mark, about 20 mm (less than an inch) behind the receiver or so, scribed on the stock (top side reference-the skinny piece of wood laminations between the receiver on the top right hand side) right from the factory. That was the mark you lined up the front of the bolt assembly to and almost fully extended out (not compressed). And then magically it seems to drop in to place with little effort. On the old G/K Forum I remember Apfeltor (Rob A. - the shooter's kit guy) brought up the discussion about what that scribed mark was for and that's what came out of the discussion, that it was for bolt reassembly on the late war rifles.
So, I have determined what I need to bring this rifle back to spec.
Complete rifle stock
Butt plate and screws
Cleaning rod
I have all the metal parts
Where would or could find the upper hand guard (repo) in durfol?
Recommendations on Repo scopes and mounts would be helpful.
Regards Andy

Stock - repro from Poland, said to be very good and reasonably priced compared to an original (more info) (more info) (G/K43 shooters kit)
That is one sexy stock! What was the price on that?

To be honest I forget, I think with shipping from Poland it was around $380.00

You can get them stained or in the nude, I went with the nude one and put 5 applications of BLO on it. (you would never know it)
The stock was White when I received it it's now more of a Pink/Cream color, I wanted something that looked like it just came out of the Walther Factory. I did not want the Orange/Red stained look on this one. The stock looks a bit darker in person.

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