I was watching\bidding on this one last night as it's a date code I've been looking for but I was out pretty quick, can't believe the hammer price, for an Imperial! I guess for that money I would have gone for the BCD G43. $2500ish pistol, unmarked tool and pretty poor condition holster for $6825 has got to be some kind of record price...
WWI GERMAN ARMY LUGER-DWM 1914-MATCHING-NICE-MACHINEGUN UNIT MARKED - Curios & Relics at GunBroker.com : 916386885
Buy WWI GERMAN ARMY LUGER-DWM 1914-MATCHING-NICE-MACHINEGUN UNIT MARKED: GunBroker is the largest seller of Curios & Relics Collectible Firearms All: 916386885
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