Third Party Press

Example of bad rifle on high end website

Looks like it sold regardless, just like so many that have been red-flagged recently. An expensive lesson.
Well it says it's sold now. I don't think "scrubbed receiver" is the same as "no serial number on the receiver."

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Definitely dicked with and plain to see the removal of metal from gun where serial number was......
Look at the long side rail he has listed. Stock has been stripped and re-done piss poorly I might add and I think the whole rifle was re-phosphate ?
Post that link and take a look...Only 16k

Scotty for the most part has very good stuff he occasionally has a stinker and its usually a german rifle.. Not his strongest area of knowledge.
No one is above scrutiny that's for sure.
I don't really follow dealer websites, but the few times I've picked up a German rifle on Scott's table it has had *something* wrong with it.

Nothing against the guy. Seems nice enough.
Careful......Scotty boy will call you a "fraud" like he did me! HAHA!

I once contacted him about a completely fake bcd 45 he had listed on his site. I politely described the issues in hopes of saving some poor fool a hefty sum of money but I was told, in not so polite terms, that I did not know what I was talking about and that he had been doing this for a long time.

While German rifles are clearly not his area of expertise, he also doesn't seem open to advice.
Almost everything I see on his website is priced in the insane amount category. The NRA Springfield 1903 rifle for almost $5,000 is beyond insane. That rifle is about $2500. And don't get me started on the prices for those carbines good lord.

Military Rifle Journal