Third Party Press

Erma .22LR firing pin


I have a post war K98 22lr conversion kit with a broken firing pin. Does anyone know of someone that sells/makes them or has schematics for them?


I just repaired my broken one. Here’s the thread, might be of value to you

I just repaired my broken one. Here’s the thread, might be of value to you

Thank you. How long is the pin at the front? All I have left of mine is the portion from the hole to the end. I’ve tried making two unsuccessfully thus far. I keep getting the front portion wrong.
4E822824-2EA0-4658-AF8B-F3361F92CC96.jpegHere are my measurements, they are to the best I can determine , I am very subject to errors so if you have any concerns of any let me know and I’ll remeasure.63470614-5A48-4281-8C88-A4B0380800B7.jpeg
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You are welcome, glad to be able to help . Muncher 1953, Thanks for the compliment,
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oldwing, can you provide measurements of the hole and how far from the top it is? I am working on modeling the part based on your measurements so that we can create one. Here is what I have so far.


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I’ll do that in the morning, will also triple check the other measurements, let me know if you need any other ,
I’ll do that in the morning, will also triple check the other measurements, let me know if you need any other ,
Sounds good! I used a resin printer to print as accurate as I could. I’m hoping we can get this kit functioning properly.

Military Rifle Journal