Early RG34 G.APPEL 1935 oval lid recess


Junior Member
Here is an interesting early 1935 RG34.

It features the oval shaped lid recess and the font is different than what they would use later on. I do not see a WaA.
I included a comparison with a later 1935 G.Appel kit.

I could use some help on the contents.
Are they all random (maybe export or postwar) things or does anyone recognize something that might be original to the kit?

- spoon: unmarked, rounded pin with a dull finish. Magnetic
- chain: missing the first part unfortunately, so no markings
- oiler: no markings
- small brush: missing the hook
- large brush: no hook, but a loop on both ends


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Well, another heretofore Rg34 revelation (at least to me) with the "oval" clip depression in the lid. Guess I ought to take a second look at my own examples! Regarding the pictured components, I see the following:

2nd+ photo: One early chamber brush (double-wire loops). HKW is Portuguese made.
Last two photos: Close-up of Portuguese HKW. Pic with 3 HKWs: Legit G APPEL 1935/6 tool in center with Portuguese HKWs to left & right.
Steel oiler looks early but should be attributed. Often in Portuguese use these were cleaned up, refurbished or newly made/simplified pattern and original markings obliterated in the process. Lastly like the ".6" stamp with large font G. APPEL | 1935 marking, too.
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Here is an interesting early 1935 RG34.

It features the oval shaped lid recess and the font is different than what they would use later on. I do not see a WaA. I included a comparison with a later 1935 G.Appel kit.

The very early ChdAW stamped and numbered cans which have no maker mark but were manufactured by Gustav Appel have this type of oval lid indention. At least the ones in my collection do as well as the other examples I have encountered.

The thread below has some excellent information regarding the early Appel behälter:

As far as I know, these kits with the oval indentation are the first ones made by Gustav Appel and are similar to the one shown in his patent of March 7, 1934. A good example of this early kit can also be found in the illustration in the Offene Worte manual "Der Karabiner 98k. und seine Handhabung" from 1936.
I am of the opinion also that the first kits probably did not show any maker's mark.



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As far as I know, these kits with the oval indentation are the first ones made by Gustav Appel and are similar to the one shown in his patent of March 7, 1934. A good example of this early kit can also be found in the illustration in the Offene Worte manual "Der Karabiner 98k. und seine Handhabung" from 1936. I am of the opinion also that the first kits probably did not show any maker's mark. Antoni

^ THIS ^

Agree 100% with the above. The timeline fits with the ChdAW kits as well ......