Did This Notorious GB Seller Finally get Cancelled?


Junior Member
I have push notifications for a few saved searched on Gunbroker, and saw a listing go up with the notorious background and over-saturation of Gunbroker seller "Clauss-FCR" of Plattsburgh, NY. Whenever I see a new listing from him I always check it out, because most of his stuff is messed with or materially misrepresented. I like to check his feedback too, since there are so many negative ones, and they come often so there is always something new to read.

Here are a couple of hyperlinked discussion threads for reference:

Such A Steaming Turd Deal !!!!!

(I recapped the listing overview in post #17)

I have posted this to warn others about this fraudulent seller on Gun Broker

(This guy/his wife sadly got taken hard but I think were able to get the credit card company involved)

When I went to look at his latest scams. I was greeted with the following:


And when I attempt to send him a message:


Could this mean his reign of terror is finally over? Did Gunbroker ACTUALLY remove a BAD seller??? I'm scratching my head because he just posted the listing I mentioned, AND he has several other current auctions.

If this thread needs to be moved or not allowed, I apologize!
It will reinvent itself under a new Gunbonker name. It must have been really bad because Gunbonker likes them fees.
This is a sad truth...
He still has active listings. I don't get how he can be "no longer registered" but still have ongoing auctions. I guess GB wants to scrape every cent out of their potential suckers.

That's what I don't understand about it. Perhaps since there are bids on the lots they won't end? You would like GB would have that ability...
I got banned from Scum Choker years ago for calling out all the deliberately faked and fraudulently misrepresented bogus Mosin snipers that certain serial scammers were pimping off as originals.

It seems that as a member of Scum Choker, you are not allowed to say anything negative about other members, regardless of how dishonest, unethical, and even criminal their conduct is and how true what you say is.

Their policy is "Protect the sellers and f*ck the buyers".
I got banned from Scum Choker years ago for calling out all the deliberately faked and fraudulently misrepresented bogus Mosin snipers that certain serial scammers were pimping off as originals.

It seems that as a member of Scum Choker, you are not allowed to say anything negative about other members, regardless of how dishonest, unethical, and even criminal their conduct is and how true what you say is.

Their policy is "Protect the sellers and f*ck the buyers".

Like ePay, maintaining ethics and honesty not only costs too much money, but they’d lose 20% of their fees.
Don't forget about the seller on GB... Mauser WZ.29
Has anyone dealt with him before?
This site saved me from him.
Is there anyone not selling fraudulent K98's on GB?
Mauser WZ. 29 is a confirmed fraudster?
I can not say "confirmed fraudster" nor did I mean to make the comment to read that way, but this site saved me from a purchase. Others members here with lots of years in the game and lots of respect & knowledge feel he is not their cup of tea. What I meant in asking about: "Is there anyone not selling fraudulent K98's on GB? was is there anyone selling K98's that people trust buying from. I guess I could have re-worded it better.