Diamant bayonet.

the Dane

Well-known member
Hi all

Have questions about this bayonet, I have not been able to find much info about it, some sources give me the information that it is made in 41 due to the Diamant marking.
Any info about this bayonet is appreciated. These pictures is the only one I have at the moment. Fore how long time was they marked only Diamant?

Thanks in advance.
the Dane


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1937 was a transition year from the previous use of S-Codes to the new manufacturer's firm name (Ferlatch was a exception with their stylized logo for 1938 & 1939). During the early months of 1937 a few S84/98 T3 manufacturers added additional information, like a "Solingen" surcharge. However, this was disliked by the German Heer and soon dropped from military contract bayonets, but found acceptable for inclusion on "behoerden" production. Your bayonet has the early, "diamant" marking, which was shortly superseded by "Elite-Diamant" until it was replaced by their later assigned alpha-code of "i" during 1941. The "diamant" only variant is uncommon and as such, much sought after by advanced S84/98 T3 collectors.
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Thanks a lot for the fast answer. rarity?
I would rate this variant as relatively scarce. Of course, condition and having a matching scabbard are key elements of any S84/98T3 and will be major concerns as to subsequent valuation. Perhaps one of our long-time members will provide some serial number data which will help in determining a approximate range for "diamant" production...
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All already wrote by PWCo, the Diamant was the earlier name for well known bicycle producer, the switch as mentioned was done in 1937, is estimated that around 15000 samples were marked Diamant. So from this is the rarity of similar item, your piece is nice, even the blueing from handle was worried off. Grips were not removed.
All already wrote by PWCo, the Diamant was the earlier name for well known bicycle producer, the switch as mentioned was done in 1937, is estimated that around 15000 samples were marked Diamant. So from this is the rarity of similar item, your piece is nice, even the blueing from handle was worried off. Grips were not removed.
Thanks a lot for the information, it's very appreciated, it convinced me that I just had to buy this bayonet, unfortunately it's not number match, but this is the only one I have seen so need to grap it.
1937 was a transition year from the previous use of S-Codes to the new manufacturer's firm name (Ferlatch was a exception with their stylized logo for 1938 & 1939). During the early months of 1937 a few S84/98 T3 manufacturers added additional information, like a "Solingen" surcharge. However, this was disliked by the German Heer and soon dropped from military contract bayonets, but found acceptable for inclusion on "behoerden" production. Your bayonet has the early, "diamant" marking, which was shortly superseded by "Elite-Diamant" until it was replaced by their later assigned alpha-code of "i" during 1941. The "diamant" only variant is uncommon and as such, much sought after by advanced S84/98 T3 collectors.
Thanks a lot for the information, it's very appreciated, it convinced me that I just had to buy this bayonet, unfortunately it's not number match, but this is the only one I have seen so need to grap it.
There is no comprehensive book addressing the German S84/98 T3. However, I would recommend these two regardless:

1. The German S84/98 Bayonet Volume 1:1908-1933 by Bruce Karem.

2. Seitengewehr: History of the German Bayonet 1919-1945 by George Wheeler.

Book #1 is still currently in revision(?) and expected release in the near future. Discusses the S84/98 line just prior to introduction of the S84/98 T3 and earlier behoerden variants.
Book #2 covers more German bayonets including extraseitengewehre, frogs, troddel/reimen, etc.
Additional S84/98 T3 information and excellent photos can also be gleaned from Karem & Steves in their Karabiner 98k series of books as well.
However, the best source for information would be via this sub-forum...
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There is no comprehensive book addressing the German S84/98 T3. However, I would recommend these two regardless:

1. The German S84/98 Bayonet Volume 1:1908-1933 by Bruce Karem.

2. Seitengewehr: History of the German Bayonet 1919-1945 by George Wheeler.

Book #1 is still currently in revision(?) and expected release in the near future. Discusses the S84/98 line just prior to introduction of the S84/98 T3 and earlier behoerden variants.
Book #2 covers more German bayonets including extraseitengewehre, frogs, troddel/reimen, etc.
Additional S84/98 T3 information and excellent photos can also be gleaned from Karem & Steves in their Karabiner 98k series of books as well.
However, the best source for information would be via this sub-forum...
Thanks a lot for the information, it is appreciated :)
If you can read and understand German: "Das Seitengewehr 84/98 bei der Reichswehr und Wehrmacht / von 1920 bis 1945" by Sebastian Thiem is also a good read. 700 pages with lots of info and pictures.
Thanks a lot for the information, it is appreciated, German is also ok for me, and the price is not that bad :)
Hereby a few pictures, the overall condition is very nice, and I'm happy with the purchase, although it is not a matching bayonet, maybe I will be able to upgrade 1 day.


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The bayonet is certainly interesting, to find matching scabbard by Diamant would be probably impossible, or possible when someone did had this in matching condition and by changes wrongly replaced the scabbard so the origin scabbard ended somewhere in same country. I personally dont like the blued rivets in crossguard, question is the handle could be reblued sometimes, but the blade blueing looks ok.