Yes, this is normal, the Germans in the Imperial and interwar era were "German", meaning they had German characteristics of frugality, responsibility, diligence - but extremely pragmatic. Rifles were not fully interchangeable, so they numbered all the components at manufacture, they educated their soldiers to keep them this way (you see it in the cleaning methods of period pictures); when repaired, the armorers almost always numbered two components, if replaced, the bolt body and stock (the key components). Sometimes they would number more, but they generally followed patterns.
In the interwar era they were especially frugal and pragmatic, they had to be with a strong socialist element in government, which early on was in near complete control, - which coupled with an aggressive IAMCC and hostile neighbors, made them a little more accepting of military needs (had the French, Belgians and Poles been more rational, pragmatic, the socialists would probably have done much of the work for them...). You see this in the rifles with significant use of recycled parts, use of "old-new" receivers, meaning receivers left over from WWI that were never used and later built into rifles at ordnance depots. Germany did largely abide by Versailles, they disarmed themselves, destroyed millions of rifles, confirmed by the IAMCC, but they (
the Army, paramilitary groups, some companies etc.. Mauser and others were caught a number of times with illegal weapons or components, probably more due to a financial interest than a desire to hide arms) did what they could, which meant they hid what could be hidden, the so-called black rifles and key components, - receivers and barrels being the critical components of a rifle, they hid them, which were probably easier than whole rifles. The other methods, using the Dutch and friendly neighbors, Soviet Union, Swiss and Swede's is well known and written about.
The National Socialists, being pigs and ideological murderers, didn't carry forward these traits, they were wasteful and incompetent leftists (thieves and gangsters), - fascists, which means they were socialists that respected nothing beyond their ideology (complete subordination of its citizens to the state, - or actually the "leader"), they played on nationalism, revenge, fear and a perversion of German culture, amplifying elements that suited their agenda, suppressed others that were inconvenient, and they co-opted the pillars of society. They didn't destroy capitalism, remove industry from private ownership, they simply placed absolute control over it; they didn't destroy religion, they tolerated it and forced compliance and subservience to the state... you see this in the rifles themselves, everything new, very little salvaging and when reworked, they used new components. They were as careless with resources as much as they were lives, nothing mattered but the state, or their "leader", they were an entire society hijacked by a cult and they acted like it.
Today there is a great deal of resemblance in our society today, worshiping leaders (
look at they way people practically worship obama, hillary, sanders and trump...this is incredibly dangerous), supremacy of the state (central government), suppression of individuality, mocking values and faith. It is almost funny looking back at the period, reading in books of the period (1940s-1970s) that characterize Germans as genetically predisposed to such a cult as Hitlerism, these men were arrogant fools, because it is in human nature itself, the world is full of would be Hitlers and millions of delusional fools that will follow them.
Is the bolt typical for one of these? They restamped just the body, and left the remaining parts alone. It makes sense, from a functional perspective, but the Germans never seemed content with "functional" when it came to numbering parts.