Third Party Press

byf without year of production???

On an internet auction in Germany there is offered a K98k Norwegian 30-06 with the code byf but without the year of production. As to be seen on the photos there could have been a year of production stamped into the receiver.
Unfortunately I couldn't already reach the seller, neither by phone nor by email.
The only receivers that were made and not dated were some ordnance spares (Walther's e/359 blankos & BSW are best known), but I do not think MO made any, so this receiver, if it is byf marked would have had a date in the appropriate place.

The problem dealing with postwar service rifles (foreign service) is that those countries altered the rifles. Whether Norwegians, French or Russians the rifles often have been altered or additional markings added - almost as bad they were refinished - so they have little collector value imo (as German military rifles).
So the 1939 JP Sauer on page 145 in B.B.O.W. is just that????? A matching Sauer with a replaced receiver.
Blank saure

My guess is a walther reciever that never got roll marked at the factory. These receivers had the ce or 147 pre applied by either walther or erma then were polished by sauer. Thats the reason the markings are so light. That receiver is nothing more than that. I.M.H.O.
So the 1939 JP Sauer on page 145 in B.B.O.W. is just that????? A matching Sauer with a replaced receiver.

More likely not a JPS rifle but a depot gun or some such thing. I have a bnz4 hand stamp that is made from one of these ordnance spare "359" proofed receivers. Some you see are depot guns, some Luftamt guns, etc.
Back to the original poster's gun in question, I find it interesting there is an area of pitting where the year stamp WOULD be. The byf stamp is also shallow. This suggests to me that when the rifle was gone-over by the Norskiis when they refurbioshed/rebarrelled it, they cleaned the corrosion off the receiver, removing the date stamp in entirety, and "shallowing" the byf stamp.

I really would not buy that rifle. It has other issues besides.
Uh, no... very little in Backboner is "just that"- or what was interpreted by Law.

I do not blame him in the least, as then I wouldn't have known better, and over time you get an appreciation of the learning curve we all struggle with reading old posts and articles.

That rifle was an Walther blanko "built" new at a depot using an Steyr made ordnance spare barrel, - the waffenamt on the barrel was e/623, not e/025 as in that page description, and as anyone will tell you (except BArF), the waffenamt e/359 covered firms in Zella-Mehlis, and had zippo to do with Suhl.

Nothing is right about Law's interpretation regarding that rifle.

BTW- that very rifle has been auctioned a number of times, all spouting the Backboner legacy, and it is a problematic rifle on a number of points.

So the 1939 JP Sauer on page 145 in B.B.O.W. is just that????? A matching Sauer with a replaced receiver.
Thanks for the info,
Sometimes that learning curve is an uphill battle to me. The rifle in question is also up for auction now (and has been for a while now) out of Texas for a mere (Ha,Ha ) 2000.00 or 2150 BIN. Go figure.:facepalm:
What a ridiculous price for a barreled receiver or at best an action. The premium of simply being in Backboner is absurd... unfortunately for them, the seller, the majority of stupid people, represented by the 69 million morons that voted for obama in 2008, do not collect the Kar98k.

Thanks for the info,
Sometimes that learning curve is an uphill battle to me. The rifle in question is also up for auction now (and has been for a while now) out of Texas for a mere (Ha,Ha ) 2000.00 or 2150 BIN. Go figure.:facepalm:
What a ridiculous price for a barreled receiver or at best an action. The premium of simply being in Backboner is absurd... unfortunately for them, the seller, the majority of stupid people, represented by the 69 million morons that voted for obama in 2008, do not collect the Kar98k.

LOL How very true. Although it has not stopped them from screaming for gun bans.

Military Rifle Journal