byf 41 no matching numbers


My only 98k, byf 41, sn 150 with // below sn, sort of italic l. All metal is blued except for barrel, sort of greenish parkerized and bolt take down disc which would be bright if not coated with an iodine colored coating. This coating seems to be on most of the rifle. Any thoughts on the coating and how to remove it, if it should be removed at all. The coating gives the whole rifle a dark look. Also what are the // after the serial number. The one on the bottom in the pictures. Thanks
GEW98 K98 SN.jpgGew98 K98.jpgGEW98 K98 top.jpg
In my haste to post the question and not proof reading, I mis-identified the 98k it is actually a byf 42, which may be visible in the image.
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What's under the serial number is known as a suffix. Each letter denotes a block of 10,000 rifles. Yours is ii so it was made at the end of 1941 production.

The red stuff is probably shellac. Slathered all over. Removing it is your choice. Some people frown on this as it 'ruins' the Russian Capture ambiance. :)

No numbers matching huh? Any electropencil force matched parts? What's the bore look like?
Right, No matching numbers, but have not had it out of stock. No import markings, no electro-pencil numbers. Bore is pretty good, well defined but frosted. Turpentine had no effect on the bolt takedown coating, the clean area seems to have flaked off. Also the buttplate has brg over WaA497. Thanks for the comments.
Shellac gets brittle with age, that's why you see so many RCs with the finish flaking. Try a little denatured alcohol on the takedown.