Buying 98s on-line: Why GB is a decent option

Bob in OHIO

Senior Member
Gunbroker gets trashed for sales, but in comparison to my local auction house it's a better option.

  • First.... buying any k98, anywhere, is challenging for newer collectors.... so GB is just one option
  • With a 7-10 day window, guns can be vetted by sending questions to more experienced collectors
  • Generally, more pics on GB that other auction venues.
  • Generally, no sales tax
  • No buyer premium.... My local wolf, charges ~20%
  • An opportunity to ask GB sellers questions, like for more pics or clarification prior to bidding
  • GB sellers do declare their return policy... or that can be discussed a priori.
  • Feedback is possible
  • Some sellers are know to be less "honest".... others more "honest" ... and over time they get a reputation. Like walking through a gunshow... sometimes, I look up to see the seller behind the table and gotta just keep moving...
I agree with this. Online auctions are tricky, with hidden damage and usually NO return policy you can easily get stuck with a turd. These days the pricing is worse at auction houses with the ridiculously high buyers premiums, many upwards of 20% for online. That $1000 bid cost an extra $200 and they usually use a third part shipper, when a $45 shipping job turns into $120. All costs to consider.

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I think Bob just spelled out a sound formula for being successful on GB. I have bought 6 threw this avenue since getting involved in K98’s roughly a year and a half ago. I got burnt once, but it was a learning experience. Their are plenty of guys here that will look at auctions with you. Building relationships goes a long way for newer collectors to being successful in purchasing. More than 2 eyes looking at a online auction is always a good thing.
Was actually shocked when I purchased something on there and saw no premium. Definitely will be using again, better then juice, shipping cost, and more transfer juice...
I have scored several times on GB all on BIN's which seem to be less often now. The one BIG miss (SS contract that Beswick snagged on a BIN) was because I had not yet learned enough and was asking questions. So having knowledge is KING.
Some good points Bob. I don't yet know enough to be dangerous, but I'm getting there. I have posted a few that I had questions on since I joined (all turned out to be no good), and was welcomed with feedback from more knowledgeable members.

It's also a good resource for new collectors to "test" themselves. I look through postings every week or so to see if I can spot the fakes.
I’m with bob and mike. I think GB gets a bad rap sometimes but any marketplace has its pitfalls/snakes and buyer beware is still the rule. It’s just not for the ones still learning or it will be the hard way as they say. I’ve been surprised by some real gems that I thought went for below market value over the past few years. The dou 45 discussed a while back is a great example. Over on the WAF the helmet guys (I don’t touch them!) talk about a “one-looker” and I don’t think it’s any different with these. When u are able to look beyond “matching numbers” to the idiosyncricies of fonts, stamping styles etc (which the books make so much easier now) you’ll know with that one look.