bSw serial and data collection


Thunda from down unda
Can we start a bSw year, serial and data collection?

I'll start: 1938 bSw,serial 5927a, barrel 37Kp67. WaA 4 and B and C marks (C on action, B elsewhere to include triggerguard and floorplate, rear sight collar, stock, handguard top)
I know 1937 BSW serial 3283, who belongs to a friend. In good condition except the stock that was changed before 1944, for a laminated one.
I will have a look at the marks next time I see it.
It's a great idea Vulch. Once you get it far enough along I'll put it in a research sticky.
BSW serial and data collection

Mine is a RC BSW 1937, serial 7846 (no suffix), barrel markings 37R16.
Has 3 WaA4 Waffenamts on right side of receiver.

With the right receiver markings, does it also have a C mark?

You have one of the Ruhrstahl barrels - according to PS, they only accounted for 25% of bSw barrels, with Krupp making up the other 75%. NICE!
BSW serial and data collection


With the right receiver markings, does it also have a C mark?

You have one of the Ruhrstahl barrels - according to PS, they only accounted for 25% of bSw barrels, with Krupp making up the other 75%. NICE!

Hi Vulch:
No "C" markings at all, just 3 birds in row with a "4" under
each of them.
Please post the data schema for this study, so I know what to look for and provide. Could there be more info than what you initially listed?

Are you looking for stock data, also....
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Good point. OK:

1. Receiver date
2. Barrel code/s
3. Receiver markings on right side
4. Rear sight sleeve markings on right side
5. Front sight base marking at front
6. triggerguard and floorplate markings
7. Bolt markings
8. Stock and handguard markings
9. OTHER metal or wood markings.

As an interesting note, EVERY bSw stock set I have had or seen that came off the Norwegian take-offs has been Ost See marked on the left take-down disc, and Heer marked for the normal acceptance markings, which indicates the Kriegsmarine in the Eastern Sea at least were supplied directly from Wehrmacht supplies of K98's.
Good point. OK:

1. Receiver date
2. Barrel code/s
3. Receiver markings on right side
4. Rear sight sleeve markings on right side
5. Front sight base marking at front
6. triggerguard and floorplate markings
7. Bolt markings
8. Stock and handguard markings
9. OTHER metal or wood markings.

As an interesting note, EVERY bSw stock set I have had or seen that came off the Norwegian take-offs has been Ost See marked on the left take-down disc, and Heer marked for the normal acceptance markings, which indicates the Kriegsmarine in the Eastern Sea at least were supplied directly from Wehrmacht supplies of K98's.

Is it possible to have example pictures of what you would like to kow?
This would help me. Thank you in advance.

Ok. I have 5 to add but really do not want to take them all down to get the info. The less I have to take these apart the better I feel. They have been catagorized on gunboards as well.

1. bSw 1937, RC, sn 8852 no suffix. weimar stick e/4's x3 on rsr. barrel codes hidden completely.

2. bSw 1938, RC, sn 1485 no suffix, C and stick w/e/4's x3 on rsr. barrel code also comp. hidden.

3. bSw 1938, non import, sn 289 no suffix, weimar stick e/4's x3 on rsr. barrel code comp. hidden. missing bolt, handguard, rear band, baylug, bandspring, floorplate, fp spring and follower. Rest is matching original. Parts were lost by a previous owner. If they turn up I was told I would be contacted.

4. bSw 1938, early import, not RC, sn 1261a, C marked and nazi eagle/4's x3 on rsr. Stock bands and bolt m/m. Barrel codes also completely hidden.

5. bSw 1939, RC, sn 5526 no suffix, C marked and nazi eagle e/4's x3 on rsr. Aside from three tiny nazi eagle 4's the barrel code is completely hidden as well.

*** All of my bSw's it appears have the barrel codes hidden and as I said I don't want to take them apart again at this time. I will look for my earlier documentation and if I find the codes will post them here. None of my three RC rifles have the RC "x" on them. Only the three digit sn bSw 38 has the original stock. The 37' has a correct "early" bSw stock, the early import 38 has an Albanian captrue but e/4 stock on it. The other two have Mario stocks on them. All stocks except one have the smaller milled take down discs. The one with the larger, stamped disc is a Mario stock and has Ostsee markings on the left disc alone. I sold a similar stock to Vulch with the stamped discs (also a Mario stock) that also had the Ostsee markings on the left disc alone.

1. Receiver date
1937 SN 3283
2. Barrel code/s
3. Receiver markings on right side
3 Weimar eagles 4
4. Rear sight sleeve markings on right side
3 Weimar eagles 4
5. Front sight base marking at front
K Weimar eagle 4
6. triggerguard and floorplate markings
2 Weimar eagles on triggerguard
Weimar eagle 4 on floorplate
7. Bolt markings
Weimar Eagle 214
8. Stock and handguard markings
Laminated stock with a small B, a P, 42 and three Nazis eagle wit WaA I can't read for the moment.
9. OTHER metal or wood markings.
Rear sight with K and Weimar eagle 4
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