The rune doesn't look right to me. A few other things too. I'll let the true experts chime in though.
I'm curious what the few other things are.
Are there any other markings on the barreled receiver not photographed?
Are there any other markings on the barreled receiver not photographed?
I photograghed all the markings I could find.
I noticed yours has significantly more maar kings (receiver, bands etc) is this consistant with bnz 44 single runes? The only SS contract bnz 44s I've seen have large font bnz and the full '44' year stamp
The problem is there is no sure fire way to decide if your rune is legit. From my experience, it's atypical to see runes on oversize bnz 43 marked receivers, but not unheard of. These oversize bnz 43 rune guns are so few and far between it's hard to be 100% sure as the sample for comparison is small. The most common are the "small" bnz. 4 and bnz. 43 marked rifles.
Your rifle is early though, and could be correct with a rune. The myriad of fake rune Russian Capture guns polluted peoples minds on these. The numbering is all good, and it would have had unnumbered bands, so at least you can get it close to correct.
Sorry probably a silly question but did not Steyr serial number their bands in 43?
BNZ 43 single runes should not have numbered bands from what I know.
"Normal" bnz43 rifles had numbered bands, early bnz43 SS contract and rune guns had unnumbered bands (other than a few oddballs) and later bnz43 and bnz44 SS contracts had numbered bands. It's all quite confusing, you have to be careful when you are looking at them as it's inconsistent between bnz43 and bnz4 marked guns.