Best way to ship a K98 Rifle ?


Senior Member
What is the best wat to ship a K98 Rifle? USPS. UPS? And what do you tell them when shipping the rifle, and do you send it registered? Do you mark rifle on the box.? I have never shipped a rifle before and was wondering how would I do it . Thanks,
I've used Ship My Gun for long guns and pistols. Really great service that takes a lot of the guess work out of the equation. They have a contract with UPS. Once you get your label, you just drop off at a UPS facility (not a UPS store). I've also scheduled driver pick up without issue.
I have shipped USPS most often. I am not a FFL holder. Do not write anything on the box concerning firearms. I usually bring a copy of the FFL with me to the post office to prove it is going to a licensed dealer You must disclose to the post offices a firearm is in the box. They can even ask you to prove it is unloaded.
I second USPS but the more important issue is how you pack the rifle. Should be wrapped tightly with ample bubble wrap, with EXTRA padding between the end of the stock and the box, as well as the muzzle and the box. Can be paper, bubble wrap, whatever. This is to prevent the stock from breaking and the muzzle from poking out the top. Once everything is packed there should be no movement of the rifle whatsoever when the box is handled.
Register mail typically takes forever and there really is NO guarantees. I have used USPS in the past priority with signature. NEVER i mean never put anything on the box identifying what's in the box. If going to a gun shop.
I always abbreviate or put the owners name on the label . Not joes gun shop. Use his name. Anything that will distract. Its more about theft or destruction. Stealing or breaking up a package from some libtard driver is probably more likely the cause. Theft was wide spread in UPS and usps and I think it has slowed as bit. Pack it as if it will be thrown off a three story building I was always told by a UPS driver. Take out the bolt wrap it separately and tape it to the rifle.
The bolt and stock are your two damage prone areas.

Good luck !
In my experience, the best way to ship rifles is UPS 2nd Day Air. It can be pricey, but it's the best way to ensure the minimum amount of handling and time in transit.
Historically I have done USPS but I am on a boycott anymore. Luckily the last time I shipped rifles I was living in South Dakota and declaring that it was a rifle was no big deal. However, they've screwed the pooch on so many shipments lately that I don't trust them. Lost packages and shipments that would normally be 5-8 business days taking 1-3 months. About the only luck I've had to is to put absurd insurance on the package.

I don't know what's going on in their St. Louis hub, but I can only imagine a gigantic mess worthy of a Dr. Suess book...
Bought a Gewehr 88 from @Common.Ally earlier this year. Shipped via USPS and the rifle took about a month to get to me. Fortunately his packaging-fu is top level and it survived the trip. Long story short, he wrapped the muzzle area and rear of the stock with so much bubble wrap that it just barely fit in the box. The ends of the gun didn't touch either end of the box and it was completely unable to move back and forth. He also took the bolt out and put it in a separate envelope taped to the inside of the box. I was quite impressed and will be copying that next time I have to ship a long gun.
I would highly recommend not using the postal service. I'm still waiting on two rifles to be delivered and it has been almost 40 days now!
Recently received a couple of similar arms. This is how mine were shipped:


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Best ship in a hard case and in a double cardboard box and what others say. Two guns: one broken stock in a box and a stock cracked in bent box cracked M1 carbine stock. Lots of luck take photos of packing and how it was packed for insu that they never want to pay out. Most say you did not package correctly. Have proof. It takes about $100 to package.