This Belgian Sniper along with a BNZ 4 that was Cobbled together with Armorers Stock and Armorer Bolt are 2 Rifles I Picked Up the other Day . Myself and Wolfgang discussed this Belgian Sniper about 5 yrs ago , I mentioned to Wolf I would like to get one . His statement was I would have better luck hitting a Multi Million $$$$ Lottery than finding a Belgian Fusil 35 . This is the ONLY one I have ever seen , nor have I ever seen any Pics of another with or without scope . This maybe of interest to other collectors though not German . From the bits of Info available it is mentioned that Belgian Arms did get issued to German Troops
Once Again I am Posting a Multitude of Pics , the Rifle does have a Few issues as can be seen in the Pics . Mainly the Stock having some Cracks and No Optics . I believe the Bases are German WWI and likely the Rings and Scope would have been the same . I know next to nothing about this Rifles History other than it was sold by the Son of the Veteran who returned with it . I am waiting to be contacted by the Vets Son . As for Historical Info I only have one Page from Axis Pistols , Rifle and Grenades which I will also Post . I am hoping someone can elaborate more vastly about this Sniper Rifle . Best Regards
Once Again I am Posting a Multitude of Pics , the Rifle does have a Few issues as can be seen in the Pics . Mainly the Stock having some Cracks and No Optics . I believe the Bases are German WWI and likely the Rings and Scope would have been the same . I know next to nothing about this Rifles History other than it was sold by the Son of the Veteran who returned with it . I am waiting to be contacted by the Vets Son . As for Historical Info I only have one Page from Axis Pistols , Rifle and Grenades which I will also Post . I am hoping someone can elaborate more vastly about this Sniper Rifle . Best Regards
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